Question DragonByte Tech: vBAnalytics - Session Tracker (Scheduled Task Manager)

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In the Scheduled Task Manager, there are standing 2 tasks for vBAnalytics...
"DragonByte Tech: vBAnalytics - Session Tracker" & "DragonByte Tech: vBAnalytics - Analytics Tracker"

When clicking on "Run Now" for "DragonByte Tech: vBAnalytics - Analytics Tracker", the next page shows:
DragonByte Tech: vBAnalytics - Analytics Tracker


When clicking on "Run Now" for "DragonByte Tech: vBAnalytics - Session Tracker", the next page just shows:
DragonByte Tech: vBAnalytics - Session Tracker

Is this a bug? or am I missing something?
The session tracker takes all the information from the session table according to the lastactivity of each session. It uses your cookie timeout vB setting to determine this.

The fact that it says "done" simply means there were no sessions with the last activity older than the current time minus the amoutn of seconds defined in the vB setting. This means there is no relevant data for use by the CRON job. That specific script tracks bounces and landings.
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Legacy vBAnalytics

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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