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I'm trying to get the vBDonate product to auto-confirm donations but it doesn't seem like it is working.

In the PayPal we use, we have tried enabled & disabled the IPN and then pointed the setting to Page Not Found -
Our Forum URL under the 'Site Name / URL / Contact Details' setting is - domain name, web site hosting
*Site URL in box above for staff to replace with the placeholders I put in the post.

Any advice/suggestions? We've tried sending a few real donations to test the different configurations we've tried but there has been no luck.

*All important information removed from images below*
Here are the site settings

Here is how/where the file is sitting in the server

Here is what we have in PayPal(tried with both Enabled/Disabled)
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Have you tried placing 'www' before the site URL in the IPN?

I'm still getting familiar with the inner workings of vBDonate, so will need to dig further into the issue if that's not the issue. If that doesn't solve it can you send me some sort of Admin access via PM?

That didn't work and also adding the www. makes the url to the gateway unreachable. I've asked our server manager to make that reachable and we can try again.
edit: www. now makes the site and that file reachable. Our server manager said "I just had to add an extra hostheader to redirect requests for www. to http://". Afterwards we tried another real test donation but it still did not confirm.

Firstly, I guess one question is in PayPal should the IPN setting be Enabled or Disabled? [THIS] is the thread I was reading through before posting, trying to troubleshoot the issue on my own and it seems there are some conflicting answers in there.

Secondly, Would there be anything actually in the gateway file that would possibly need modifying to point to a proper location? I was thinking is our sites structure different then normal?

Edit: I do believe [THIS] post from might explain our problem. It is as you suggested that it sounds like we need the www. in order for Paypal to properly communicate? Is this true? But if so, then why did the donation fail to automatically confirm after the test donation.

Edit 2: I sent a PM with a few more details but it seems PayPal is responding with an HTML Response code of 200 that the page was reached so it would appear that the gateway file isn't responding back or sending the request for verification back to PayPal?
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Fillip H. might be able to help a bit more with this than I can as he worked on the vB5 version of the mod. I've copied him a copy of the image you sent me. :)
Any news/update? Just don't want this thread to be forgotten(I realize we all have other, more important things.) We've been working on some other things the last few days but I'm getting around to having another chance to work with this probably tomorrow. Any advice/suggestions are appreciated.
Could it possibly be that I don't believe we have cURL installed/supported? Would this be the issue? I was looking at our phpinfo and didn't see any signs that it was installed. I've been testing/trying different paypal settings/configurations but nothing has worked. After doing some more digging/research and looking at the gateway file, it seems this plugin might require cURL?
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I have changed no settings in paypal only for the donate settings in the plugin. This is where you need to set up the auto confirm donations
I have changed no settings in paypal only for the donate settings in the plugin. This is where you need to set up the auto confirm donations

What settings did you change? Can you share because I don't know what I'm missing in the plugins settings?
As it is 6:25 am here its a bit late to go over will pm u my skype info and help u with the setting tomorrow
I'm pretty convinced it must be that I don't think our server/install has cURL support(we host our own installation). After reading a few other threads about another plugin saying that it has cURL functions in it. I saw the gateway file has a cURL function section. I have searched our phpinfo file for any mention of cURL but there is nothing.

To my knowledge there aren't any settings in the CP specific to auto-confirming. Our EMail is setup and everything properly there, donations are going to our PayPal, just aren't auto-confirming. PayPal IPN History messages all say 200 Sent like it gets to and finds the file okay, but there is nothing that appears to guess is because maybe that gateway file is trying to use some cURL functions that I saw and we don't have support for that, it doesn't know what to do and can't send a confirmation back to PayPal?

Can anyone confirm if this is true?

If so, I believe we will try following these instructions for getting cURL support installed/added on our Windows 2003 Server.
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Our webmaster installed cURL and it instantly worked afterwards! This can be marked solved or whatever with the solution being cURL needing to be installed.
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