
Repost of thread : Suggestion for new product

Hey DB-Tech = love your products!

One suggestion for a future product: a super ranking/icon plugin. I'll do my best to explain.
Maybe VB can already do this - but it sure isn't evident to me.

If I could hand out ranks/groups/awards/buffs in unique ways that stack on one another.

For example: On my site, I want ranks and groups to be their own major reward - I have 90 ranks (so far) based off humor, or merit.
For silly people - I'd want them to get a silly rank. Serious & useful people get a nice rank.
I'd like the system to be able to tell which tier to award the rank from: thus likes (useful) count to the one rank list - where as not useful/silly thanks get points to the humor rank list, or even a "bad" rank list (does that makes sense?).
In addition to this - I want to assign a picture icon to each rank to go under their avatar(similar to what you did with moods).
Also based on rank/rank type and awards - I want to assign people to rank groups (also with an icon or picture under the avatar).

So you see, it makes ranks/groups an award system all by itself - and promotes/demotes based on such activity.
Also if the picture layout would be layout editable (coat of arms four block type, vert/horz bars, etc), that would be great.

The idea being - visually you can tell who someone is - what they contrib, how high they are - and it'd just look great.
Then there isn't so much a need for postbits info in their shown profile = it's visual.

It'd look great in profile hover - and integrate perfect with VBactivity.

Hope I explained it well.



You can use vBActivity to create per-button Achievements that will do most of what you want here.

We may make a new mod in the future which extends the vBulletin user rank system with data feeds from various DBT mods, but it's highly unlikely it would arrive any time soon.