Legacy Why a full page refresh when moving between images?

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It seems that there must be a way to move between images without doing a full page refresh every time. The current way this product works takes away from the users experience when trying to page through images.

I remember this being a topic of conversation months ago, but I haven't seen any change/progress recently on this.

Is this something that you are trying to implement still?
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Every new image loaded has it's own stats, comments, rating. Pretty much everything on the page is different so it only makes sense to do a page load. I can see about coming up with a slideshow type of view of the images that preloads the images.
In my case and probably others too, people actually need to scroll a little to center an image on the screen. The way this mod is currently coded with a page refresh for each new image it just makes for a less enjoyable visual experience to continually have to scroll a little after loading each image. I did a little modifying to set an anchor above the image but then again it reloads the page and then scrolls itself back down, making it still visually unappealing.

Even though, like you mentioned, it is loading multiple elements per image, if you could avoid doing a full page refresh it would make the transition between images a lot smoother visually.
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