
I just bought my first round of DBTECH products (awesome), and I was looking at getting VbSeo before my board gets big.

If it comes down to VbSeo and DBTECH = DBTECH wins (function wins over form).

Are there problems with the two running side by side?

I was looking for a compatibility list or something like that:
Someone suggested that here in a thread = but there hasn't been any updates in that thread.
On VbSeo's site, you have to be a licensed member to access a thread with that info :(

Any info would be great.



P.S. Unless DBTECH is going to release it's own version of a VbSeo type product (hint, hint :cool: ), then I wouldn't bother buying VbSeo
As far as I know, the following are the known compatibility issues:

  • vBShout slows down due to using standards-compliant profile URLs which vBSEO rewrite
  • The Notification drop-down links for vBActivity, APTL and AUT break. As do all other products that link to some profile tab.
  • vBActivity pages slow down for the same reason vBShout do - however vBActivity can currently be placed on vBSEO's ignore list. vBShout will get that functionality in the next version.
  • Its cache system could potentially cause double-cache issues with vB Optimise. This isn't actually reported, but sometimes flushing both caches are needed. I am not certain if vBSEO's cache system can be shut off.
  • Its Likes system need to be turned off if APTL is used to avoid confusion for members.

As for the SEO product, we currently have no plans to create one. The SEO functionality in vBulletin 4 already does much of what vBSEO does - without the performance issues.
It can automatically submit a sitemap to Yahoo and Google, it provides various levels of friendly URLs (from just "friendly" down to the full on mod_rewrite variant)
I checked out VbSeo as best I could - parts looks nice, they make some shocking claims (warning sign), and are cheap. Still, I value DBTECH's mods more, and anything that'll cause them issues is not for me.

So I was looking at = and they have a banner stating that they're a DragonByte Tech Partner.

Are they still endorsed by DBTECH? Their service is very expensive, but anything done by hand is pricey.

I didn't see anything in the forum talking about them - any thoughts, suggestions about doing this?
Worthwhile? A good benefit? I'm not expecting to rank on search engines for some time - all the users I have to start with are word of mouth (although that's quite a few).
But if I could rank quickly, that'd be worth it....... and I have little knowledge of how long it normally takes.

Any info would be helpful.


You don't need vbseo to have a much visited forum. See Digitalpoint, very famous and visited...don't use vbseo. For seo i suggest you to check the Mogmarting mods at - they are great. Your forum visits depends mainly on the amount of content...more content, more possibly visits.
Cosmic is the one who personally had dealings with SEOvB, so I'll let him answer as to the benefits of using their services :)
SEOvB offer a very personal service. vBSEO is a kind of one-size-fits-all program solution and it does well enough at that (though i honestly don't see a huge benefit over the new SEO features vbulletin added in v4).

The guys at SEOvB on the other hand will sit down and go through your site, do all of the technical changes needed (check duplicated content, submit sitemaps etc) and also let you know what steps you could take to improve your ranking, let you know if there is anything that's hindering your site etc.

I've always found them incredibly easy to deal with and I personally feel like this approach to SEO is by far the best way to do it. SEO really is something that needs an experienced eye to overlook and tell you where you're going wrong (or right).

Also, no broken stuff to worry about like with vBSEO xD.

I'll tag SEOvB and they'll probably give you an idea of exactly what to expect from their service.
Thanks Cosmic for the kind words! We greatly appreciated!!

daddybird292: Thank you for mentioning about our services and maybe we take a moment here to share some of our SEO service experiences (not sales).

There's no magic bullet as nobody knows the secret source that Google (or other) is using.

However certain things that SEO provider can help:

1) Ensure site owner is targeting the proper and reasonable keywords

2) Ensure the site's structure and content level is appropriately tuned and "most" optimized for search engines to index

3) Setup certain basic thing where typical site owners are not aware: Robots file, Webmaster accounts, Analytics tracking, Sitemap submission, Check broken & duplicated links, check duplicated content and URL structure, etc...

4) For site that has vBSEO, tuning and making the most use of its features and functions will help too

1) Submit to the search engines, social bookmarking sites, create relevant backlinks, etc

2) Depends on the service level, there'll be ongoing articles write up, PR submission, etc etc.

Now.... One thing that we cannot stress more than anything.... SEO works DO NOT EQUAL to automatic high rank. If you hear SEO provider guarantees you #1 ranking on any keyword that you pick, run away from them and save your money.

We had client that used for our service, and expect magic will happen.... it will not, as SEO provider does not have control of the most important thing: Content

As Maximilian2 pointed out, content is what it counts. If a site owner is on tied budget, spend the money on content creation. No (honest) SEO provider can promise you to rank #1 with a junk site that offers nothing unique, valuable, and frequently updated content. They "could" but may be with some keywords combinations that nobody will type in :)

Our honest suggestion for any site/forum owner is to focus on the community and the passion why you start the forum. With the constant hard work, care, listening to the members, & offer great content and service to the community, things will pick up on its own. SEO will help but nothing more important than focusing on your core strength of your site. Work on it and good things will follow. We’ve worked on many forums that spent thousands to play with widgets, “SEO” and theme, but no attention or resources was put into growing the community… You know what the outcome that will be.

By the way, we're not "expensive" :) If you search for SEO services, there are companies that charges hundreds if not thousands per month... For similar stuff.... it's all depends on how you market it.

I better stop here and we need to be more active here, forgive us Cosmic and Fillip! :)
Fantastic info - thank you guys!!!

SEOvB Sorry, if I misrepresented you as being expensive. I should have said my budget isn't what I wish it was :)

I'll try it out next month (the tax man cometh this month :( )
