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I really would like the Visitor Messages and User Wall be as one and some how fitting in the status updates to bring everything together. It's seems disconnected with this and and there...
That may have been a little rant. :p

Okay here is the request: Option to have User Wall set as the default tab.

For anyone that wants the User Wall as default now

Plugins & Products --> Plugin Manager --> Dragonbyte Tech: Forum Live Feed & User Wall (Pro)
Hook --> member_build_blocks_start --> Edit

add this to the
Plugin PHP Code -->

if (!$vbulletin->GPC_exists['tab'])
    $vbulletin->GPC['tab'] = 'livewall';
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This is not the same as the Navigation tabs, profile tabs are not controlled by the Navigation Manager.
No, there's not - not yet.

If you go to your own profile, you'll see a bunch of tabs there. You currently cannot set User Wall to be the default tab there.

However, in vB 4.2.0 you can make the navigation tab (if you scroll up, you'll see Forum is lit up right now, that's a navigation tab) default.

Does that make it clearer?
I thought there was a way to make the user wall be the default in the user profile?

From the first post I guess I could have added it was the Profile Block.

Profile Block

require(DIR . '/dbtech/livewall/hooks/member_build_blocks_start.php');

if (!$vbulletin->GPC_exists['tab'])
    $vbulletin->GPC['tab'] = 'livewall';

If this is option is added in the future remember to revert :) Yes it works on 4.2.0
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