Legacy The number of clicks per day - expand permission per usergroup settings

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Suggestion to expand the number of clicks per day per usergroup settings, included with similiar options:

[TABLE="class: tborder, width: 90%, align: center"]
[TD="class: optiontitle, colspan: 2"]Usergroup Whitelist
[TD="class: alt1"]Enter the usergroupids (Primary or Secondary) that will be whitelisted. Any members part of any of these groups will always be allowed to use PMs according to the default vBulletin settings regardless of any other usergroup they are a member of that may be blocked. This does not override blocks on specific userids. Separate multiple usergroupids with commas. Example:
5, 6, 7[/TD]
[TD="class: alt1"][/TD]
[TD="class: optiontitle, colspan: 2"]Block These Usergroups[/TD]
[TD="class: alt1"]Enter the usergroupids of any Primary or Secondary usergroups you wish to block from sending PMs. This will affect any users who's primary or secondary usergroupid is listed here. Separate multiple usergroupids with commas. Example:
2, 3, 8[/TD]
[TD="class: alt1"][/TD]
[TD="class: optiontitle, colspan: 2"]Block These Primary Usergroups[/TD]
[TD="class: alt1"]Enter the usergroupids of any Primary usergroups you wish to block from sending PMs. This will affect only users who's primary usergroupid is listed here. Separate multiple usergroupids with commas. Example:
2, 3, 8[/TD]
[TD="class: alt1"][/TD]
[TD="class: optiontitle, colspan: 2"]Block Specific Users[/TD]
[TD="class: alt1"]Enter the userids of any users you wish to block from sending PMs. This will affect only specific users listed here. Separate multiple userids with commas. Example:
27, 301, 877[/TD]

P.S. It is wise to implemente usergroup permissions like this above in any major options.
Many of us are in more than one usergroup, and if one grop can do something, and second not it is frustrating that then both can (or can not)
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It's unlikely we'll add such a complicated matrix - we generally don't ask you to input your own usergroupids. Plus the fact that -I- don't even fully understand how to work that system xD

We'll probably just go with a simple input area for each usergroup, lowest number having priority :)
Yep, I understand you ;)
I have to ask that (you will embed that into MOD or you will not) because I have Public (Joinable) Custom Usergroup and Leader of that group is automaticlly member (additional) of that usergroup too.

So I am in Admin group and in that group, and if I setup that Public (Joinable) Custom Usergroup can not see who clickes dislike, although Admin group can see, I can not couse I am member of custom group too.

Many of my members have additional group and it makes some good Mod options useless
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