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we have isntalled this mod on our forum.
It works but we have some problem to have it workin on the position 6.
On default skins it works and be showed correctly, but on our two others skins no.
Example :
Quizz Discussions
Now if you change for the default skins you could see this banner :
So how can i fix this problem ?

Last thing for the position 7 and 8, if you use a transparent png image, i can see the default banner under :
Exemple :
castortroy vient de générer un score de 50%!
Can you please clarify what you mean by "position 6", "position 7" and "position 8"?
Ah, I see what you mean.

In that case, it means your skin developer has removed support for these advertising locations. Please contact your skin developer and show them those images, asking for a fixed version of the skin :)

It's really weird that they would remove features from vBulletin in their skin, though...
Ah, I see what you mean.

In that case, it means your skin developer has removed support for these advertising locations. Please contact your skin developer and show them those images, asking for a fixed version of the skin :)

It's really weird that they would remove features from vBulletin in their skin, though...

I will have a look, but having serious doubt, because using RBS :
Rotating Banner System - Forum
So manually add the banner, i don't have the problem, so the template exist and works.
You don't answer to the second problem.
Then it's possible RBS conflicts. Please try disabling RBS temporarily and see if that works for you.
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vBulletin 4.x.x
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