
Hi I am thinking of buying the shoutbox and would likely like it located at the bottom of the forum page. Is that possible? Would someone be able to tell me how to do that? Is there anyway that the shoutbox could be located inside a forum instead of forum.php?

THanks :confused:
Yeah, that's entirely possible. Instance Management -> Edit -> Auto-Display -> Below Forums -> Save.
If I select below forums will the chat be the full width of the entire page or sized within the left side of the page and the forum blocks on right side? Is forum home the only location for this mod? I am going to purchase but just thinking about where it is best installed.

Actually it's "Above Footer" not "Below Forums", sorry.
I think in that location it will be inside the width of the sidebar.

It can be placed on any script or any page so long as you know its script name and the name of the template you wish to place it in, and you can manually place it wherever if you want it to appear in any other location than the two default ones :)