Legacy Presales: Applying to Specific Forums and not Home

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New member
Just installed the Lite version. It looks great, but I'm looking to see how to manage shout boxes by Forum. Is this handled in the Pro version, or by updating ForumDisplay template with conditionals.

What I'd ideally like to do is:
1) Not include a shout box on the main page of the forum.
2) Include an instance at the top of a discussion forum.
3) Possibly include separate instance for each category/forum around other topics.

I tried using the following conditional:
<vb:if condition="$forum[forumid] == 165">{vb:raw show.vbshout_instance1}</vb:if>
but it didn't appear on that forum. Not sure if I potentially put it in the wrong place in ForumDisplay or if that makes a difference.

Thanks for your help. Just want to make sure I can do this, and happy to upgrade to Pro if it's already handled in there.

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Still not working for me. Does it need to be in a specific place in FORUMDISPLAY?

And will that also turn the shout box instance off on the main page of the forum?

<vb:if condition="$foruminfo[forumid] == 165">{vb:raw show.vbshout_instance1}</vb:if>
There's no specific location, other than needing to be inside the <body> tag. Have you turned off the automatic display in the Instance Management?
There's no specific location, other than needing to be inside the <body> tag. Have you turned off the automatic display in the Instance Management?

I have now turned off the automatic display -- thanks. For some reason I misread and thought that was something different.

I've added the code just below the <body> tag and still nothing on the forum at Fantasy Wrestling Discussion.
Fixed: That indeed appears to be it. Turning the auto-display to "Disabled" and moving the code to the spot in the FORUMDISPLAY template did the trick. However, also looks like if I have the auto-display on, it overrides that and only appears on home.

Thanks again for all the help. Looking forward to upgrading as I get everything set and ready on my forums.

Original reply follows:

Looks like I finally got the settings right and it's appearing on the defined forum now. However, it's appearing above the theme and masking the header. Do I just shift the location in FORUMDISPLAY, or is there a way to define it to appear "After Navbar" like in the Auto-Display Settings.

Thanks again!
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No problem :)

If you have any further questions or issues, please feel free to start a new support ticket. Thanks!
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