

Here I am (again :o )
This time about the navbar...
I know that vBulletin should have made it easier from the start to manage the navbar...

This is how it currently looks on my test board...:
(as you can see, there is already a button behind the Search Field....)

This is how it looks here...:

Is there an easy (maybe a mod) way to manage the navbar?
(for example with a drag and drop function?)

Friendly greetings,
The way the navbar was done on here was by coding it in the template, no mod was used.
I use a mod called something like "Vb tabs Soporte" or something, anyway it lets you add in dropdowns on your navbar, access checks per tab, etc. Anyway, check it out, it works great and at least so far, does what I need.
Yeah, that's the one. Maybe so, but... it does the job for me so I figured I'd mention it on the off chance it'd help. =)