Bug "My Items Ending" and "Selles List" does not work

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Good Morning ;)

the box is blank, when I select the sub-menu
I tried to save the buyer / seller and never see anything.

Captura de pantalla 2014-06-07 a la(s) 16.08.02.png

It is happening since version 1.1.3, would you happen to anyone else? or only happens to me

Sorry for the bad English translation
regards :)


I have also checked the option "Resolution Centre" does not appear to me.
Someone may know the reason

Captura de pantalla 2014-06-07 a la(s) 16.31.05.png
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You need to download and reimport the XML. There was an issue with an XML a few versions back that added options that shouldn't have been available. ;)
I do not know what can happen :confused:

I have done a clean install of version 1.1.7
But still not working.
Any idea?
It might be that the Navigation Manager is still holding the old link. You can delete the one for the Resolution Centre.

The other two have been included when the code for them wasn't ready... they're coming in a future update. Feel free to deactivate them for now. :)
I did not understand very well what you have commented. :RpS_sad:

What I do not understand is, what difference there is between the installation has been done in DragonByte-tech.com and my website.
The facility does not have a lot of science. I've done a fresh install, I've uploaded the Upload files folder and I installed the xml.
Is not it?, what do you have done differently?

I've done a series of tests. For example, I tried to install from version 1 and updated, but continues the same result.
Forgive me for my insistence and thanks for your patience :RpS_thumbsup:

The problem was that we had an error in the install files that added in the links that you've mentioned. We will sort this out in a future update, but to fix the problem on your site you just need to do is remove the link from the Navigation Manager for the Resolution Centre. The other two links that don't work you can mark as inactive in the Navigation Manager as well.

If you are still unsure on what you need to do, if you send me some login details that will let me access the Admin section of your site, I'll deactivate them for you. :)
It is strange, "Resolution Centre" does not appear in cpanel and I've searched thoroughly.
that was the reason I did not understand

I've passed the data by private message.

Thank you very much for your help ;)
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