Legacy Mailing lists categories with their sets of rules and their links

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As I mentioned in this thread (http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f99/every-mailing-list-have-its-own-direct-link-6277/) that we could give our users mailing lists to own and use, this process is still hard for us admins to maintain.

If we have categories, we could create for example category in which users could create mailing lists without our intervention. And in that category all mailing lists would obey rules we set in admincp (they would be created using certain template we define).

Also, categories would be sorted as mailing lists are sorted now (we could give sorting numbers), and every category should have it's own space, somewhat like forums are now, and mailing lists would be like threads in them. Sorting of mailing lists inside category could be done automatically, like threads are now sorted, by last post, thread creation...

We could even define sorting order inside category, including fixed one for admin created categories.

Every category too needs to have it's own link, like forums (and threads) do.

I think that would open whole new world of possibilities for your mod and add it great value, if combined with suggestion I mention earlier.
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Yes and having this it really opens whole world of possibilities for our forums. I know it takes quite a bit of coding to enable this, but I think this could bring few customers also. :)

And just to explain further what I mean by templates, we create templates in the same manner we now create mailing lists. Only we need to have one new option: if this category is open or not for certain usergroups to create their mailing lists. If it's open, users can create their mailing lists freely, but only with settings we setup when we created this category.

For us admins category template is starting point for creating new mailing lists inside it, but as we are admins, we could change settings. This would also speed up process of creating new mailing lists, because certain mailing lists need a lot of changes from current default settings for new mailing lists.
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