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Upgraded VbDownloads from 1.3.8 to 2.0.0 on main site... :(
Had problems with DBerrors, found solution here, deleted all old files...
You should remove all files that aren't in the download, specifically /dbtech/downloads/actions/listings.php to prevent that particular issue
You should write about the necessity of manual removing of old files in the Upgrade Notes... instead of searching info in forum threads.

All my old downloads are corrupted now, almost all files don't have thumbnails, and even if dowload has thumbnail in a category list - it doesn't appear on download's page:

Old files aren't editible also.. when I click 'edit file' - I see only this massage:
System information:
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Old files aren't editible also.. when I click 'edit file' - I see only this massage:
This problem was solved after manual upgrading of dbtech_downloads_download template.
But thumbnails in old downloads still missing...
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If you edit older files and ensure that each image is correctly tagged as a screenshot, that should sort out the thumbnails :)
If you edit older files...
I tried... there is no any image-files in editing download
Almost all my old files were with thumbnail only (not 'screenshot') and now they are look the same - NO IMAGE...

I tried to reupload one thumbnail and I didn't like new "improvement" of this section:
I prefer to have thumbnail only in file description, but I don't want to see it like screenshot (when 'is screenshot' is checked) or like a file string in file section (when 'is screenshot' is not checked).
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That particular configuration is no longer supported, I will change this thread to a Feature Request to get a "Is Thumbnail" flag added :)
Additional suggestion to update screenshot section with 'is thumbnail' function.
In 2.0 you can't choose among some screenshots which of them is a thumbnail... Now thumbnail is the first uploaded image and if you have specific image for thumbnail - you have to delete uploaded screenshot first and leave just thumbnail image... and then reupload screenshot image again...
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Just throwing in my support for a thumbnail option. I've only been upgraded for a few hours but already three users have asked where the thumbnail option went
The Thumbnail checkbox next to the Screenshot checkbox will be implemented in v2.1.0 :)
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