Bug Breaks ArrowChat integration/display

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So, I just noticed that once you go to the arcade, the ArrowChat bar across the bottom of my website is broken. It's only displaying about 30% of the bar, and it's all shifted to the left of the screen. As soon as you leave the arcade pages, then it's good again.


This is only on the main arcade.php page that lists the games, when playing a game, it's fine.
Can you PM me a login to your site, i can try it in firebug once its displaying for me.

There's a "dbtech" login, not sure how you guys handle that on your end, but it should have rights to check out what you need. If you can't access that account, just me know and I'll change the password on it. =)
Okay, I found the login.

The bar at the bottom looks fine for me in the latest chrome and firefox, and it matches the rest of your site (outside of the arcade).
Hmm, you're correct sir! It was jacked up before, I'm guessing something changed in the last beta or two since I reported this and it's not conflicting anymore. Go ahead and close this issue, sorry for the bother (It *WAS* broken before, I swear! hehe)
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Legacy vBArcade

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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