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Former Developer
Hey everyone,

I just wanted to give you all an update on vBNotifications development. I am currently rewriting part of the code as a result of a few bugs has been reported recently. This update will fix problems with Notifications not showing up and SQL errors being reported.

This update will be available either later today or tomorrow. Apologies for the wait and thank you for your patience!

- David
"Faster Faster!!!!" [cracks the whip] Faster Faster!!!!

No problem David............ NOT!!!!

"FASTER FASTER!!!!!" [cracks the whip again]


Sure looks incredible on Dragonbyte's site = drooling to get it on mine!!!
Not to minimize the new VBArcade = but VBNotify is waaaaayyyyyy more useful and exciting (to me at least).
Best DragonByte mod since the Advanced Thanks/Likes and the User Tagging mods came out.
Good job!
Please don't take this post the wrong way but...
I have waited patently for 2 weeks to us the mod and now it's getting annoying, It looked like a very good mod ans I knew it was beta so I thought I would buy it and help with the feedback, but since the mod is soo buggy It, don't even work.

Like I said please don't take this post the wrong way, Im just saying If we can get a quick update, so atleast it works, that would get great
Please don't take this post the wrong way but...
I have waited patently for 2 weeks to us the mod and now it's getting annoying, It looked like a very good mod ans I knew it was beta so I thought I would buy it and help with the feedback, but since the mod is soo buggy It, don't even work.

Like I said please don't take this post the wrong way, Im just saying If we can get a quick update, so atleast it works, that would get great

I would think that if he had a version that had everything fixed, he'd probably update it. It's not like he's keeping it all to himself and calling it his "precious".

Odds are, he's trying to fix other issues (some you might not even be aware of) and to release it now, would just have you or someone else crying about "Why isn't bug XXXX fixed yet?!" So it makes more sense to continue to work on it until he's reasonably sure he has a version ready for EVERYONE.

This is all speculation on my part, but... It's just common sense.
Please don't take this post the wrong way but...
I have waited patently for 2 weeks to us the mod and now it's getting annoying, It looked like a very good mod ans I knew it was beta so I thought I would buy it and help with the feedback, but since the mod is soo buggy It, don't even work.

Like I said please don't take this post the wrong way, Im just saying If we can get a quick update, so atleast it works, that would get great

Please bear in mind that bugs ARE common in Beta versions - it's why we apply the Beta tag. If you are uncomfortable with bugs which may persist for lengths of time and/or impact in the use of the mod please do not install beta software, wait for the gold release.

If there was a magical quick update we could release to make it work we would do so, there would be no reason for us to hold it back :P.

If the bugs are causing you issues i would recommend uninstalling the mod until the gold version is released, which should be pretty much bug free. I'm really not sure what else to tell you to be honest, Beta mods are going to have bugs and they can be unresolved for varying lengths of time depending on what other issues/bugs are also identified and have to be resolved - it comes with the territory.
Please bear in mind that bugs ARE common in Beta versions - it's why we apply the Beta tag. If you are uncomfortable with bugs which may persist for lengths of time and/or impact in the use of the mod please do not install beta software, wait for the gold release.

If there was a magical quick update we could release to make it work we would do so, there would be no reason for us to hold it back :P.

If the bugs are causing you issues i would recommend uninstalling the mod until the gold version is released, which should be pretty much bug free. I'm really not sure what else to tell you to be honest, Beta mods are going to have bugs and they can be unresolved for varying lengths of time depending on what other issues/bugs are also identified and have to be resolved - it comes with the territory.

I do understand that Cosmic
I do understand that Cosmic

:) Good stuff - I hope that my post didn't come across badly, I was just trying to express as clearly as I could that we do everything we can to be as open and transparent as possible.

I know that it can be frustrating sitting waiting for something to be fixed but we ARE working on it, we do everything we can to give fair warning if something might not be ready to go onto a live board, and we do that by adding the Beta tag.

There's no reason for us to not be doing everything in our power to get bugs resolved and fixed versions released so it can be a little... confusing to us when users tell us we are annoying them by having bugs in the beta version that haven't been fixed yet if that makes sense.

I'm very anxious = but don't want to put negative pressure on David by bugging.

I like that DragonByte put this out as a beta. Sometimes betas are almost perfect - sometimes not.
That they put out a beta and rolled the dice is good..... perhaps it works enough for some - and for the others, they have to wait.
At least some got some use where without it they'd have gotten none.
Seems like a win/win to me.

PLUS = it works out bugs and identifies unknown problems..... it'd be worse to have "official" V1, and not have it work to expectations.

Bravo DragonByte. Keep doing what you're doing.
I'm very impatient too, but I want it in working order, with all features working. As it is now, the beta I have on my test site, it's not useable, but I can wait. There are many bugs, missing features etc.

Just to ask, will version for vB4.1.4 work with older versions (4.1.2)? Or I'll need to wait to upgrade my live site to 4.1.4? At the moment I think I'll wait for numerous bugs in 4.1.4 to be fixed. I know this makes nightmare in developing mods, almost every vB version could ask for code changes. :(
Glad to see the update looks like it should be coming up soon? Love the idea can't wait to see how it implements once the bugs are worked out. Purchased and waiting for Gold :)
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