Legacy Abilities to see answer

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New member
Would it be possible for some quizzes to have the ability to show what some people have guessed. I know it sounds crazy but on a long term quiz it is good to have interaction with others.

Also just as important is there a chance that a quick submit button could be added next to the review button when answering a quiz. Reason being is that there are some impatient members out there who would rather just answer and send.
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Would it be possible for some quizzes to have the ability to show what some people have guessed. I know it sounds crazy but on a long term quiz it is good to have interaction with others.

Also just as important is there a chance that a quick submit button could be added next to the review button when answering a quiz. Reason being is that there are some impatient members out there who would rather just answer and send.

The second request is easy.
I'm not sure about the first, if what you mean is show the answer that all users have submitted? I understand how it would benefit how your quizzes work but I'm not sure if it would be used elsewhere.
Well working on the assumption that radio is just as hard as a forum to run a quiz, people need to know that they are not on their own and if they have no clue as to the answer they will simply walk away. I mentioned radio because they have been at this a lot longer than forums. And like forums they only have a limited amount of interaction (unlike the TV) so they need to make the most of that and keep the participants occupied as long as possible.
A good quiz can occupy the participants for a considerable time and in order for this to be achieved you need some degree of suspense or interaction. Giving the participant the feeling that they might be on the right track but not yet have the correct answer gives both of these elements. Couple that with other peoples answers and you have a third ingredient, investigation.
I've seen quite a few quizzes and most seem to go for the Q&A's but the members interacting usually get board waiting for answers or find the quiz less interactive that they wanted.
I'm not asking for a special request for me.... rather asking you to play a few hundred quizzes and then ask yourself do I have a point?

**EDIT** I should have said that I was requesting these additions for the paid version ;)
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