

New member

I am Girlie and long and old friend of Cosmic and one of 3 people who will admit to loving him.
I have a HP website that basically I let run for people I don't know or really care too much to know but somehow knowing that it makes them happy prevents me from pulling the plug.

I don't like long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, or cute kittie pictures with silly slogans.
I think robot on robot violence is cool.
Im mean.
and I think scrabble is nerd foreplay.
=D heeey girlie!

Great to have you back again ^.^

Girlie was a huge supporter of me when iTech first started up, she was our best customer in pretty much every way!

Awesome to see you around again =)
I remember you girlie, you used to mod GZ|E too, glad to see you've found us again. :) hope ya have a good time here and its great to see an old face

woah more blast from the past :p
Glad to see you made it over. I was on GZ|E as Absolute//Zero but I kind of fell off around 2005-ish so I don't think you remember me :p