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I already tagged this as "not a bug" because I know this isn't your mod, I had this problem before it.

I have no idea what the deal is, but check this out:

Forum Statistics: 1,179 Members, 16,781,776 Threads, 4,294,996,370 Posts.

I don't exactly have 4 billion posts or 16 million threads. ;)

My question to you is, do you know how to recalc this, where it comes from, etc? Not really your problem, so I understand if you don't have the time to reply. =)
AdminCP -> Maintenance -> Update Counters -> Rebuild Statistics :)
That should take care of it.
AdminCP -> Maintenance -> Update Counters -> Rebuild Statistics :)
That should take care of it.

Can you better help me understand this: Rebuilding statistics will cause the loss of the total forum view and active users data. Only run this if you believe you really need to! Once the data has been replaced, there is no way to restore your database.

Kinda scares me. ;) What does it really mean? Again, I know you aren't vB support so no worries if you don't have the time. I had asked this question there and they told me this wasn't necessary to do, so I replied, etc.... never heard back from 'em.
AFAIK it only ditches the record for "Most Users Online", so it'll start again. If the rebuild doesn't solve your problem, you may have to rebuild counters for threads/forums which is also provided on the same page (perhaps orphan threads/posts too).
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