So hard to choose!

I have top say my #1 is the shoutbox just because we use it RELIGIOUSLY. I haven't been able to use it this past two weeks because of the crash problem, and we're missing it SO MUCH. Other temp shoutboxes just don't compare. The "User has posted in ____" alerts was a feature I never cared about up until I got to have it, and then lost it! XD

Second, would be the Post Templates. It's probably not the most famous or most used on other forums, but it's come in handy A LOT on mine. I like to make fancy bbcode templates for when I do character post in roleplays. I used to have them all saved in notepad to copy and paste them, but the Post Templates came along and have been heaven!

OH MAN, AND VBACTIVITY. I get to have endless statistics AND an awards/trophy mod all in one!

And lately, my members are ALL OVER the Triple Triad. They're trying to break the damned thing, so I'm about to annoyed DBTech with a million bug reports and questions again. XD

... I should prolly just say I like ALL of the mods. I use almost all of them. There's just one or two that I don't have installed, cause I don't wanna kill my members with too many fun toys. .__.
vbActivity w/ Infopanel

It makes a regular ho hum site look like it has their shit together, motivating people to post and have a good time, collecting points and whatnot. Infopanel is such an upgrade to what comes out of the box in Vbulletin, has the great header info on top of the forums, and increases the depth of the info at the bottom. Great combo of the two IMO and I wouldn't run a forum without Pro versions of both.
I dunno, man. I think the Shop. vBActivity make each post look HUGE and even the smallest post turns into a large box. Too busy for my tastes.
My favourite product we have is triple triad, mainly because i'm an avid fan of final fantasy 8 and i LOVED that card game. plus using our sets we have available makes it all the more fun :)