Would you like to see this kind of mod?

  • Best idea i heard in awhile!

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • Worst idea i heard in awhile!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't care either way!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I say VBCinema because i respect vbtube as a product, however the dev has pretty much stopped working on it and there is so much more he can do with it. He may have real life issues, and i have suggested to him several times to sell his work or something to continue with the product if he is unable to do so himself.

I would like to see dragonbyte make something similar, but different and let me throw out some things on what you can do that he hasn't and probably won't ever.

1. I would like to see a similar setup to where people can upload videos, and the webspace would need FFMPEG to encode them for streaming (Pro version). However there is a different direction you can go with this.

2. Anybody here played garry's mod? There are cinema servers where you can go in and watch videos with other people, and the interesting thing is the server itself keeps track of the time on whatever video to make sure everybody watching it are in sync with eachother.

3. Instead of seeing a list of videos like what you would see in vbtube or on youtube, when you go to the mod you would instead see rooms and a description of what video they are watching and how many are in them are watching it.

4. Vbshout could be deployed, or some kind of flash chat for people to talk about what they are watching for each room, and the room owner would be listed in the side panel in that he can request videos, fast forward, moderate the room, etc.

5. Admin is able to setup bigger rooms for big events, and can be linked to the calendar and people who sign for the event get a pm when a event is about to start.

6. Also for uploaded videos, admin should be able to select a rate a person can stream so that it won't have too much of a impact on people on the forum.

7. Also if it would be possible, a place in the admincp where admins can input ftp accounts of hosts for the videos, so that when someone does upload a video, it will be ftp'd to another host and linked to the mod for play. If there is a way of doing this, it could save a lot of bandwidth for the forum itself. Also if the admin can setup how much available space is on the external webhost, so that it will know when to stop filling it.

8. If you are worried about potential copyright, don't because what people do with it is on them, some of us would see this as a great way for sharing legal videos, and we can moderate what gets put up.

That is a mod i would really like to see, and it should be possible to do too. All in favor of this idea just like this thread and rate it or reply to it so that this is a community interest.
Alright people, i am gonna bump this as often as it takes until it get's noticed, i know the devs have a full plate already, but it would be cool if they could keep this idea somewhere in the back of their mind.
The problem with this type of mod, is that the server would have to have the proper codecs installed on it in order to do this.

Now this is also a server intensive process, so most of your shared hosting will not be able to handle it.

Also many hosts will tell you they know what they are doing with the codecs, and ffmpeg, but the truth is they don't. I used to have a software where I could do this, then grab the video and use it in posts like youtube.

But most hosts do not openly support ffmpeg, so it is a shot in the dark. This type of mod just has the potential of being more trouble to a developer than it is worth.
Thanks for the reply ozzy, and i agree with you. I been using bounceweb.com which supplies FFMPEG support and is a fairly cheap service. Regardless on how much trouble it would be worth, i think it would be a cool idea to see put out and some people use dedicated servers or virtual hosts too, but the major bulk do use shared services which do not have FFMPEG. This would be something the customer would have to make sure the hosts have, cause i been using vbtube so i was searching for a host that had ffmpeg support, and found one pretty easily. Codecs are not that big of a problem since FFMPEG supports the most popular out of the box.

I really don't see this as a huge mod, and i think i am not alone in the idea of wanting a youtube like room on our forum.