I finally got around to getting this setup and tested on my site to sell physical products. I'm loving it so far. Couple of things that I think can be improved to help make selling and shipping more streamlined.
Looking forward to your reply and opinions.
- On the Order log page, there are many "pending" orders and that makes a bit of a pain to find all of the "completed" orders that I need to ship. Can you add a way to filter orders by all the statuses? Completed, Shipped, etc. I did see the setting that deletes the pending order after x amount of days/weeks/months but that isn't helpful for day to day operations.
- When viewing a paid order, can you also show the user's registered email address with the address info. It would help greatly for those who use 3rd party shipping software or even USPS.com / UPS.com to print labels. This is so we can just copy and paste the shipping address and their email to send the tracking info.
- When I marked an item shipped, I've been adding the tracking number to the alert they receive too. Can you record the notes that are added to the Alert be it a tracking number or just and additional message to that order's log. Or even a section for me just to add reference notes to the order. Ex: "Away, don't ship until this date" or "Will pick up" etc.
Looking forward to your reply and opinions.
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