
Normally the Admin controls what is shown on the homepage / Index via widgets so what about a user interactive?

Customizing would have a new window open asking which forums you want in that area then allowing the user to drag and drop around a controlled area.

igoogle and already do this really well.

I have seen this on vbulletin 3 board but because of vb4 suite and am not sure this is possible unless the use of a plug in of a html page and removing the use of the article option altogether.
Do you suggesting that user could choose which forums he sees?

For example, if I have forums A, B, C and D, user could choose to see only B and D, not A and C? If yes, this would be really excellent, if it could be done.
Yes, It would show the latest thread from that forum. If you have 20 forums on 'Forum' but you are only interested in 5 of them, on 'Home' (dropdown/new window) you could tick these, then each visit will show only the latest of these forum which you are interested in.

MMO board which is advertised here at DBT has something close-ish where you can select what you want to see when you visit index/home.
Nice idea, not sure how practical it is because of skin issues etc, but certainly something to be looked at.