Question Show only our mentions?

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On the mentions tab, it shows both people mentioning us AND our mentions of others.

Is there a way to ONLY show where we've been mentioned/tagged instead of including OUR mentions...

I'm not sure that's clear...

This is what shows in my mentions tab:
  • 10:41 AM - gfunkified mentioned momma_oz in post Custom Titles
    ...que? But hilarious! momma_oz (thoughts??)
    10:13 AM - way2gomom mentioned momma_oz in post I'm almost at 1000 I in the lead so far?
    I'm not so sure momma_oz's sun is mathematica...
    [HL=yellow]09:48 AM - momma_oz mentioned ShannonMSander in post There's an app for that...
    ... Anyone other than ShannonMSander use Blogsy for writi...
    09:33 AM - momma_oz mentioned Bookieboo in post I'm almost at 1000 I in the lead so far?
    ...HAHAHAHAH! and yes Bookieboo you are TOTALLY beat...[/HL]
    08:29 AM - NcCarterFamily mentioned momma_oz in post What type of activities would you like to do if I can pull off
    ...h the banana pic... momma_oz ResaMichelle and I d...
    08:19 AM - Bookieboo mentioned momma_oz in post I'm almost at 1000 I in the lead so far?
    ...I think I'm beating momma_oz. (She got her sun be...

and I'd like it to NOT show the highlighted ones - so I only see where people mention me instead of all the cases where I mention others.

Also a problem is in the tagged tab - as this is what I see:

  • 03:21 PM - momma_oz tagged FreckleberryFit in thread When to expect your stuff???
    03:21 PM - momma_oz tagged Erin K Shirey in thread When to expect your stuff???
    03:21 PM - momma_oz tagged rachellacy in thread When to expect your stuff???
    03:21 PM - momma_oz tagged gfunkified in thread When to expect your stuff???
    03:21 PM - momma_oz tagged RunEatRepeat in thread When to expect your stuff???
    03:21 PM - momma_oz tagged AngMBishop in thread When to expect your stuff???
    03:21 PM - momma_oz tagged MrBookieboo in thread When to expect your stuff???
    03:21 PM - momma_oz tagged insightsbyapril in thread When to expect your stuff???
    03:21 PM - momma_oz tagged Sarah in thread When to expect your stuff???
    03:21 PM - momma_oz tagged CatDavis in thread When to expect your stuff???
    03:21 PM - momma_oz tagged felicepd in thread When to expect your stuff???
    03:21 PM - momma_oz tagged IrishEyes1982 in thread When to expect your stuff???
    03:21 PM - momma_oz tagged tiffanyw in thread When to expect your stuff???
    03:21 PM - momma_oz tagged RunFasterMommy in thread When to expect your stuff???
    03:21 PM - momma_oz tagged MommyReporter in thread When to expect your stuff???
    03:21 PM - momma_oz tagged the wicked noodle in thread When to expect your stuff???
    03:21 PM - momma_oz tagged JenatPBandP in thread When to expect your stuff???
    03:21 PM - momma_oz tagged RunFastMama in thread When to expect your stuff???
    03:21 PM - momma_oz tagged HeatherMontgomery4 in thread When to expect your stuff???
    03:21 PM - momma_oz tagged gfreeislife in thread When to expect your stuff???"

And well, as community manager I tend to tag a lot of people so if anyone tags ME... it gets lost.

That's not possible at this time but it's something that's already in our system to be optional in a future version :)
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Legacy Advanced User Tagging

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