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So VB just released their new mobile theme. It actually looks Really nice. i'm quite pleased with it. However, with the mobile theme... we don't have all of the mods. For obvious reason.

I'd really like to see a shoutbox made to be added to the mobile theme. That, to me, would be amazing. It would totally compliment the site and would make the mobile theme a definite default for a lot of users on my site.

Just a request, nothing wrong with the mod. :)
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That job that @Jen did looks GREAT. That's a phenomenal start to the project. The underlying structure is already there.... now all is needed is tidying up! :) So just have a link on the mobile theme to the shoutbox and the shoutbox open in a new window (like VBShout pro version can) would be a great start until it can be coded to embed on the forum page on a mobile style.

Am i way off on my thinking? I know Fillip H. said it would require a LOT of coding, but don't all mods? :) I think this would pay off HUGE! Heck, i'd pay for this as a whole new mod.
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