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at the moment we use the Original vBulletin Friendly URL's.

What is the Best Way to go to DBSEO?

Make DBSEO a automatic 301 Rewrite for the old vBulletin Friendly URL Structure?

Thank you!
Simply turn off the vB Friendly URLs (set it to Standard URLs). vB will then redirect existing friendly URLs to standard URLs, and from there DBSEO will take over :)
vBulletin Redirect the old friendly URL's without a Entry into the .htaccess to the Standard URL's?

I maked a test when i manually call a old vBulletin Friendly URL from a Forum or a Thread and then comes a Error 404!
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vBulletin Redirect the old friendly URL's without a Entry into the .htaccess to the Standard URL's?
Depends on what friendly URLs you used. If you used the Mod Rewrite Friendly URLs, you can try using the following rules in your .htaccess file above the DBSEO rules:

RewriteRule ^threads/([0-9]+)(?:/?$|(?:-[^/]+))(?:/?$|(?:/page([0-9]+)?)) /showthread.php?t=$1&page=$2 [R=301,L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^forums/([0-9]+)(?:/?$|(?:-[^/]+))(?:/?$|(?:/page([0-9]+)?)) /forumdisplay.php?f=$1&page=$2 [R=301,L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^entries/([0-9]+)(?:/?$|(?:-[^/]+))(?:/?$|(?:/page([0-9]+)?)) /entry.php?b=$1&page=$2 [R=301,L,QSA]

If you were using any other friendly URL format, no .htaccess is needed.
If you need to rewrite the links from the vB Friendly URL format to the DBSEO format, you should add them to the DBSEO Custom Rewrites area.

If you need to redirect the links from the vB Friendly URL format to the DBSEO format, for performance reasons it's best to add them to .htaccess.
Hello Fillip,

we have a Problem with this original vBFriendly URLs.

Demo URL: /threads/695352-iPhone-5-Demo-ausschalten?p=8134910&viewfull=1#post8134910

The redirect doesnt works!

Kindly Regards
That's because of the extra info after the thread title. You will need to amend your .htaccess to take this into account.
Unfortunately I don't know enough about regular expressions in order to assist with that particular rewrite, sorry :(
Hello Fillip,

the Query String viewfull=1 into the URL cames original from vBulletin.

Please include the Rewrite for this into DBSEO.

We have a lot of Errors with old URL's!

Kindly regards
You will need to create the rewrites for any specific vB URLs you need rewritten that is not handled by default.
As we have not received any such reports from anyone else, and as adding these rules could potentially cause conflict with custom rewrite rules, we have no plans of including this in the product at this time.
Hello Fillip,

you can take a look on the vBulletin Germany Board:
Sicherheits-Patch für vBulletin 3.8.7 und 4.2.2 Forum/Suite veröffentlicht

Please take a look to the red marked Link:


You can see the viewfull=1 Parameter is on the Original vBulletin!

Google have Indexed over 200.000 Links on our Forum with this Parameter.

Without a Rewrite for this Problem we have 200.000 Dead Links!

We want to go live in a week with DBSEO, only with this error, we can not do this!

Please help us!

Thank you!

Kindly Regards
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I'm not a regular expressions expert, I don't know what you need to add to the .htaccess file in order to get that one particular URL to make it redirect. Search engines should never have indexed that URL in the first place, we never had any problem with it.
We bought the product from them, so we would also like to have a solution for that!

In Google Webmaster Tool are indexed over 200.000 Urls with this Problem!

Now you have Problems with this URL!
A starting point may be
RewriteRule ^threads/([0-9]+)(?:-?$|(?:-page([0-9]+)?)?)(?:-?$|(?:-goto(.*)?)?)(?:-?$|(?:-highlight(.*)?)?)(?:-?$|(?:-pp([0-9]+)?)?)(?:-?$|(?:-p([0-9]+)?)?)(?:-?$|(?:-mode(.*)?)?)(?:-?$|(?:-posted([0-9]+)?)?)(?:-?$|(?:-viewfull([0-9]+)?)?)(?:-?$|(?:-daysprune((?:-?)[0-9]+)?)?)(?:-?$|(?:-langid([0-9]+)?)?)(?:-?$|(?:-s(.*)?)?)$ showthread.php?t=$1?&page=$2&goto=$3&highlight=$4&pp=$5&p=$6&mode=$7&posted=$8&viewfull=$9&daysprune=$10&langid=$11&s=$12&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^threads/.* showthread.php [QSA]

Please note that we do not provide support for these htaccess codes. I simply did a google search and found these possible solutions.
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