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New member
Hi guys,

Im starting a new car forum (vB4) and would like to install the following mods.

vBActivity & Awards Lite v2
vBShout v6
Advanced Thanks/Like
The user Tagging
Postbit Tabs
Fast template inclusion
Thread / Post Bookmarking
User Status & Moods v1
User Spotlight v1
Forum Live Feed & User Wall

I have a few questions before I get them installed.

1. will all of these mods run fine when they are used on a smart phone (iPhone,Galaxy etc) as the I have also purchased the mobile suite that comes with vB4. My main concern was the vBShout ??

2. will using the mobile light data skin affect any of these ??

3. will they all work well with each other ?? are there any redundant options that others offer

4. How slow will the pages load, is this dependant of the server, if so what are the recommendations.

In regards to pricing & discounts whos the man to see? can you please pm me the cost of the bellow.

1. all installed by DBTch - 1 year
2. all installed by DBTch - life time
3. all installed by DBTch - 1 year - branding free
4. all installed by DBTch - life time - branding free

This forum will go ahead, this is a genuine enquiry

Regards Allan.
Fast template inclusion
You mean Postbit Templates?

1. will all of these mods run fine when they are used on a smart phone (iPhone,Galaxy etc) as the I have also purchased the mobile suite that comes with vB4. My main concern was the vBShout ??
None of those mods will run while you're accessing your forum via the Android / iPhone App, if that's what you mean.

2. will using the mobile light data skin affect any of these ??
None of the mods will show up while browsing using the mobile skin.

3. will they all work well with each other ?? are there any redundant options that others offer
They will all work with eachother and I don't believe there are any duplicate functionality between those mods

4. How slow will the pages load, is this dependant of the server, if so what are the recommendations.
Ah, the bane of every developer. Sadly server config / forum mods isn't like a computer with software or games, so I'm sadly unable to give you any "it will add x load and require y server" answer or even an approximation. I have simply no way of knowing. We do optimise our mods as much as our knowledge lets us, and provide options for the more intensive features to either disable or tune them down.
After reading all the hassles with the mobile suite I think we will just go Tapatalk instead. How will this then display ?? will it revert back to a straight vB4 look ??

Is there a mod that will provide an instant chat like feature similar to say facebook or msn ??
None of our mods integrate with Tapatalk either, sorry :(

We don't currently have such a mod available, vBShout being the closest approximation.
By it's nature, tapatalk is used to skip mods and anything "non-essential" for mobile. So that the mobile experience is quick and clean. So while let's say I suppose it'd be possible to get some mods to work through Tapatalk (or Forum Runner, I use both), it'd pretty much go against their purpose. Otherwise, just view the website with the mobile browser and skip the mobile plugin.
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