Legacy Like and Thanks Buttons in Mobile Themes?

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Sajan Thomas

Is it possible to integrate the buttons into mobile themes?

We currently have a lot of users who use the mobile theme and are unable to use the buttons.

Here is the mobile theme we use.

We have been putting off the purchase of the mobile suite for Android and I-phone too because even that does not have an option to integrate these buttons on the mobile app.

Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated :)

Thanks in advance.
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What with smartphones and tablets becoming as capable as laptops when it comes to their browsers, it's unlikely we'll dedicate the time and resources towards this in the foreseeable future :(

I'll put it On Hold in case it changes in the future :)
I would also like to see the integrate of the buttons into mobile.
Now that vb premium mobile style is out. ;)

It would really add a greater experience for smartphones users.
I am sad I can't see it. Now that I have an apple touch. :)

---------- Post added at 06:29 ---------- Previous post was at 06:04 ----------

Thanks :)

---------- Post added at 06:53 ---------- Previous post was at 06:29 ----------

So just did my first facebook Like pretty cool using the fb mobile style.
Now I really am requesting dbtech move forward with Like and Thanks Buttons in Mobile. Please. :D
Perhaps start with the vB premium mobile style.
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