Question How do I remove invalid hash tags?

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How can I easily remove erroneous hash tags which members have accidentally created? An example would be when a member enters a hash symbol followed by a number and then forgets to include a space before they begin typing additional characters.

Hi there,

At this time there is no way of erasing already created hash tags, sorry :(
Is there a way to purge them from the sidebar before the hash tag display duration expires?
You would need to purge the entries manually from the dbtech_usertag_hash template. They probably won't vanish instantly from the sidebar, as it has a cache of its own.
I only see the following templates:





There is no dbtech_usertag_hash template that I can find.
Sorry, I'm an idiot, I meant to say database table :(
That makes more sense. Thank you.

You know, it would be nice if there were an admin function added to quickly purge invalid hash tags. Because it's quite easy for users to accidentally create meaningless ones.
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Legacy Advanced User Tagging

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