
  1. S

    Question How to remove points of deleted posts from other member?

    Hello. When a user spam posts, I delete these posts. But then, the user will keep the points for the deleted posts. When I delete my own posts, it will remove the points. Why not when the Admin delete posts? Is it possible?
  2. K

    Question Remove Comments

    Hello, I'm testing the demo quiz and so far, after a couple hotfixes, it's working fine. I'd like to remove the comments that have been made, how do I go about doing that? I don't see anything on the quiz main page or in the acp to accomplish this. Thanks. Ken
  3. R

    Question Removal of ?s= from URLs'

    I have a few advertising CMS articles on the website, I received an email from them this morning asking why the '?=s' is in the URL, eg. /content/438-development-natural-gas-vehicles-ivecoa-s-new-strategy.html ? s = 0123ae3002c2f9d01c4eb7f8f0df5918 The customer is querying why are there soo...
  4. wEbAddEr

    remove obsolete 'Lite/Free' products

    Is there a way to remove obsolete lite downloads from the downloadmanager, because i switched a time ago from vB to Xenforo and it is filled with those for me now useless vB lite & free scrips.
  5. Fillip H.

    New FREE XenForo Product: Easy Registration!

    Hey all, DragonByte Technologies is proud to present our next modern XenForo modification; Easy Registration v1.0.0! Make the registration process for your XenForo forum easier and faster, by redesigning the Login Bar and removing unneeded form elements from the registration form. Uses...
  6. Z

    Question How do I remove invalid hash tags?

    How can I easily remove erroneous hash tags which members have accidentally created? An example would be when a member enters a hash symbol followed by a number and then forgets to include a space before they begin typing additional characters. Thanks
  7. S

    Question Remove user thread tag

    Hi, How can I remove the user tags in a thread after being tagged? Thanks for this awesome product.
  8. A

    Question Remove Button

    I removed the program over the button at the top that says contributions I can not remove, how do?
  9. Norman

    Question Remove User Tag List

    Remove User Tag List [Solved] Is there a way to remove it? I totally love this modidication but I don't need that. If possible, would be fine also to just "hide" it, without officially disable it.
  10. B

    Question Remove Contribution Actions from bottom menu bar

    How can I remove the Contribution Actions from the sub menu bar? Thank you
  11. S

    Legacy Removing likes/dislikes from a post

    Is there a way for a person to remove their like/dislike? Say they accidentally clicked on it and want to remove it.
  12. DragonBorn

    Question Remove Likes ect. from single Post

    As the title says ... im looking for a possibility to delete all likes/dislikes ect. from a single Post. A reset for all or a specific buton per Post. So my Question is did somebody accomplished this already? I browsed the forum till back 2011 and found nothing related to this question...
  13. O

    Question Double dot at the end of the username tagged

    Hello guys. I just installed your product in my forum and noticed that once i tag a user, a double dot appear after the nickname. Something like this Ockhamo: I'd like to know how to remove the double dot that appears automatically.
  14. D

    Question How to remove DBSEO

    Are there step by step instructions regarding how to remove DBSEO Lite. Including rewrite rule changes, .htaccess changes, etc.
  15. V


    I want to buy this today to replace VBSEO which i have currently disabled. Do i need to uninstall VBSEO before installing DBSEO? Same for the thanks/likes because i want to import the history from the DB. I am not sure if uninstalling VBSEO will also remove the records from the DB. Please...
  16. G

    Question Remove "Auction" and "Wanted" from listing

    Hi, I'm trying DragonByte Classifieds Lite (I must to buy the pro version shortly) One of the things I would do is remove "Wanted" and "Auction" from the Listing. I would leave only "Buy-it-now". Is possible? Or is a features of the pro version? Regards
  17. Mokonzi

    Draft Posts v1.0.6 Released

    Hi everyone, Released a minor update (v1.0.6) for Draft Posts to introduce a setting to allow users to remove the text from the postbit Draft this Post button. Additions To Product From Feature Requests Or Just Something Else Added: Feature: Setting to allow the text to be removed from the...
  18. Force

    Bug DragonByte Private Texts in Posts - Remove PM BB Code

    When I go to admincp/Maintenance/Clear Auto-save Table/DragonByte Private Texts in Posts - Remove PM BB Code and click the button Remove PM BB Code I get the following error Database error in vBulletin 4.2.3 Beta 3: Invalid SQL: SELECT e.*, p.*...
  19. Fillip H.

    vBActivity & Awards v3.1.9 Patch Level 1 Released

    Hey all, vBActivity & Awards v3.1.9 Patch Level 1 has been released, fixing a bug with the Trophy functionality not disabling correctly in vB4, and the achievement recalculation functionality failing in certain scenarios. If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for...
  20. B

    Question How remove nominations winner from postbit

    How i can remove this (attached picture) from postbit userinfo - and where or how is code for put it on postbit tabs regards bosss Looks like vbnominate is not finished product!