
First of all, thank you for this great hack..
I am curently thinking of updating my forum to vb4..Since, At least for me, it is a big board with over then daily 100k u.hit, 500k members and 5 million post, I am wondering about the performance..How much difference, we can take if we use vbactivity with vboptimize?

And also I am wondering, Can I use vbactivity pro points in point market system? Right now, we are using vbplaza/vbux and my members are crazy about purchasing gift to each other..So when I update, I dont want to disappoint my members.. So it is very important for me to use vbactivity points for the market system..

There's no known performance issues with vbactivity on big boards, if you do happen to run into an issue I'll be more than happy to work with you to resolve it :)

While it is technical possible to use vbactivity points in such moss, it's not exactly how it was designed. I'm sure there are points moss on vb4 though - if not, it's perfectly possible to use vbactivity as I said :)