Question DragonByte Classifieds v1.0.0 (Closed) Beta 5 Testing Information

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Former Developer
For Beta 5, we've got fixes and changes that help sort out some of the issues we've had and the compatibility problems with vB 4.2.2.

In the Admin Control Panel the following areas are not completed:
  • Manage Listings
  • Manage Offers

In the User Control Panel sections of the mod the following items are not completed:
  • View Order Details (would welcome some suggestions on what exactly everybody needs to be displayed on these pages)
  • Return this Item
  • Resolve Problem

When Viewing a single listing the following items are not completed:
  • View Feedback for a user

Thanks again for the help in testing, there have been some really good bug reports and suggestions. I'm particularly keen to know if the completion of listings is working properly, including whether emails and PMs are being sent properly and that they read correctly.

I'm still working on the Resolution Centre section to make it as good as I can. Will keep you posted through the week on my status with it.
There was a bug that Freekoid reported that should be fixed by redownloading the package again. Double check that there isn't a 'dbtech' folder in the /upload/dbtech/ folder.
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Legacy DragonByte Classifieds

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