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I've downloaded version 2.0.0 and installed the CMS version. But we do not have the vbulletin blog installed so we receive this error:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT blog.blogid, blog.title, blog.dateline AS publishdate, blog_text.blogtextid, blog_text.pagetext AS message, contenttype.class, attachment.attachmentid as previewimage, fd.width, fd.height
FROM vb3_blog AS blog
INNER JOIN vb3_blog_text AS blog_text ON (blog_text.blogtextid = blog.firstblogtextid)
LEFT JOIN vb3_blog_categoryuser AS cu ON (cu.blogid = blog.blogid)
LEFT JOIN vb3_contenttype as contenttype ON (contenttype.class = 'BlogEntry')
LEFT JOIN vb3_attachment AS attachment ON ( attachment.contentid = blog.blogid ) AND ( contenttype.contenttypeid = attachment.contenttypeid )
LEFT JOIN vb3_filedata as fd ON (attachment.filedataid = fd.filedataid)

AND blog.dateline <= 1337242640

GROUP BY blog.blogid
ORDER BY blog.dateline DESC
LIMIT 0,5;

MySQL-Error : Table 'db.vb3_blog' doesn't exist

I then installed the non CMS version for testing and there I get this error:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT cms_article.contentid, cms_article.pagetext AS message, cms_node.nodeid, cms_node.url, cms_node.publishdate, cms_nodeinfo.title, cms_article.previewimage
FROM vb3_cms_article AS cms_article
INNER JOIN vb3_cms_node AS cms_node ON ( cms_node.contentid = cms_article.contentid )
INNER JOIN vb3_cms_nodeinfo AS cms_nodeinfo ON ( cms_nodeinfo.nodeid = cms_node.nodeid )
LEFT JOIN vb3_cms_nodecategory AS cms_nodecategory ON ( cms_node.nodeid = cms_nodecategory.nodeid )
WHERE 1 =1
AND cms_node.parentnode IN (-1,)
AND cms_node.setpublish =1
AND cms_node.publishdate <= 1337243469
AND cms_node.publicpreview =1
ORDER BY cms_node.publishdate DESC

MySQL-Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')
AND cms_node.setpublish =1
AND cms_node.publishdate <= 1337243469
' at line 7

I wold prefer the CMS version of your script. I also disabled everything in the Blog configuration of vbslider.

The script is setup to ignore those queries if it sees that a component (CMS or Blog) is not enabled, so I'm not sure why you are getting that error. In the Product Manager, do you just have the Blog disabled, or did you actually remove all aspects of the Blog from the system? I will try to recreate this on my dev server tonight when I get home.

Brad via Tapatalk
Ok, that explains why you are getting those errors then. I'll look at the code tonight to see if I can provide a code edit to get past this issue.

Brad via Tapatalk
Any update on this bszopi?
This is the problem with Tapatalk... I replied during the day while at work, and by the time I got home, completely forgot about it. Sorry about that!!

I removed all aspect of the Blog from our system :)
So I take it that means all tables in the database, files on the fileserver, etc..? It should be checking all of that right now (just verified), so I'm not sure why that query it still executing. To test it, I renamed by blog directory in [forum/packages] and it skips over that query completely. So if that directory no longer exists, then it shouldn't be pulling that query.

But wait! I just came up with something. :D With phpmyadmin, goto your database and goto the PRODUCT table. Please ensure that the Blog is DISABLED (Active = 0). I have a feeling that, just because everything is deleted, you still have that product in there and its seeing it as active, yet the rest of the product is missing. This is the only way I can figure out its causing that error. If you continue to have issues, then I'll need to get admin, ftp, and phpmyadmin access to try to sort it out.

And again, sorry for not getting to this sooner.
Thank you bszopi. I have disabled the Blog but not renamed nor deleted the packages/vbblog directory ;-) that should be the right solution for me. Thank you very much!
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Legacy vBSlider

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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