Legacy Choose display order of postbit items

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Right now the 5 most recent purchase go in the post bit. At my forum we've been using them to show things like trophies for winning contests, etc. And collectable things that they will want to display, etc. It would be nice if the users could choose which of their items show there.
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That is already a feature, the "Hidden" checkbox lets people hide whatever items they don't want to display in the postbit :)
There's no options to control display order at this time - that's not what your OP suggested either though.
There's no options to control display order at this time - that's not what your OP suggested either though.

True, but that's what I meant XD

My shop was selling little collectables that spell a word when put together. But they have to be bought in a particular order to show up that way.
We'll take setting display order into consideration :)

We unfortunately can't give ETAs for our feature updates, as schedules change quite often, but now that it's in the system it will get looked at with every planned release :)
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