
  1. A

    Error with Logo

    Alright so every time I put the logo picture in the folders it just shows up as cb33e1332349135d96112f3c685fc68d.png. Any hints on how to fix it?
  2. D

    Question Adding categories into shops

    I am sorry if this is a dumb question. I've figured how to add items into categories but how do I add the categories into a particular shop? I've had this mod for some time but I'm only now attempting to implement it, so I may have more questions down the road LOL
  3. bzcomputers

    Question Beta8: Question on how URL rewrite history works

    Being that the URL rewrite history is handled in the background without any user settings (from what I can tell), what happens when I spend a couple hours setting up DBSEO initially to get the settings the way I want? This may happen on initial install of DBSEO or the install of another DBSEO...
  4. bzcomputers

    Legacy Add the ability to include a separate list of urls outside of vb standard urls

    I personally have quite a few add-on pages that will not currently be picked up by the DBSEO Sitemap feature. This includes personally created custom pages and some pages that are created by additional add-ons to vb4. This was something that was handled previously by vbSEO's sitemap...
  5. XGC Paravain

    Question Vb Custom Nav

    I know this is the wrong thread but I could not find the Custom Nav forums forgive me Custom Nav is working sweet and is a nice little modification, My question is about the looks, is there a way I can clean it up so it looks neater more like DBT has it? Screen shot of what mine looks like...
  6. E

    VBAnalystics Questions

    Hello, i have a few pre-sale question re: VBAnalystics, 1) Are the statistics viewable by all guests and members? I don't see any control over the viewing permission in the screen shot. 2) Can it track the statistics of VBadvanced CMPS page ? 3) Can it track statistics separately for guest...
  7. M

    Bug Usergroup Bug in categories setup

    me again, Can I ask a little question in this post aswell please... In the categories setup there is all the usergroups at the bottom, now I am guessing that this is to enable access?? (it does not say what that is for). Ok, I found a bug with the usergroup selection in the categories...
  8. seeker

    Question Require a Button CLick - turn off

    How do I turn off "Require a Button Click" to view / download attachment or thread content?
  9. M

    DBSEO Question

    Hi Fillip H., I wanted to know if your product features redirects should you wish to change the way that your links work. An example. If I had links like mysiteurl/this-thread-url-223456.html and I wanted to change the links to mysiteurl/forum-name1/this-thread-url-223456.html Would...
  10. XGC Paravain

    Question Giving Credit Twice For One Event

    I am noticing I noticed yesterday when Dragon Byte got Interest 2 times I didn't think to much about it till I noticed a new member just registered got Welcome Credit 2 times for 208 Credits not sure if this is a bug or just a simple setting.
  11. XGC Paravain

    Question Jackpot Question

    I bet you were wondering when I was going to post in here, and what my first question would be lol This ones simple as a test I put 20 points in the jackpot of a game and had my girl play to win it First I wanted to text the Moderating part and when she won I could not find where to accept or...
  12. XGC Paravain

    Question Automatic fresh

    How can I get the Forumon RPG to refresh automatically I guess adding Ajax Thread to it like Final Fantasy Forums has theirs? The reason why I asked this is because I am messing around with Final Fantasy Forums Forumon RPG and my ForumonRPG and its completely different, Final Fantasy Forums...
  13. XGC Paravain

    Question Uploading Addon Quadripeds

    Ok quick uploading question I got the Quadripeds addon and there is no read me file I am assuming I upload the dbtech folder that's in the upload folder to my root then import the XML file adminCP/Plugins & Products/Manage Products/Import Product?
  14. XGC Paravain

    Question Missing Monsters

    When I click on Forumon RPG im getting a message, "There's no selectable monsters for your starter monster. Please contact an RPG Administrator. Go Back." And when I go into the Forumon RPG AdminCP and click on manage enemies, and manage monsters I am getting a message, Missing Required...
  15. V

    Legacy Wishlist to 1.0.12 Beta

    Hi ! 11 Beta - best product, however, there are some nuances. 1. Conditions Manager - not order values 2. Manage Option - still not editable title 3. not comment on someone else's Item 4. not parsed Youtube link in to Description and Note 5. Random Order Options / Specifications 6...
  16. C

    Legacy Search Question

    Hello - I'm close to going live with DB Reviews. I have some questions about searches. 1. My comments don't appear in search results. Is this normal? 2. Can reviews be searched using the standard vB site search or just the DB Reviews search feature? 3. Is it possible to search specific...
  17. V

    vbanalytcs's Questions

    Hello. I have some questions about vbanalytcs. 1 - vbanalytcs accounts for unique visitors? I only see visits No unique visitors as I google analytics. 2 - What are the advantages of the premium version? My language is not Spanish and I understood. They can explain? 3 - For the "law of...
  18. P

    Question 1 question :)

    hello iam thinking of installing the forum tabs mode but i have 1 question can i configure it like on the picture that only forums - vbulletin mods -xforo mods - skins - and more are shown without the favorites refres etc at the end that it looks...
  19. Morrus

    Question [Presales feature question] - Metacritic

    I'm looking for a reviews system which can act like a metacritic style system. Would I be able to use this for that? Say each 'review' is a link, a snippet, and a rating?
  20. T

    Legacy Question about vbclassified

    I am looking at Classified and wonder why no images show on your screenshot: Is it not possible to show images of the various products being sold? Also, what currencies can be used? How about shipping or picking up? I have installed panjo through vbulletin but am not happy about it as it...