
  1. M

    Bug Import from vBSEO failed

    I tried importing vbSEO likes after moving over from vBSEO to dbSEO+Advanced Likes and got this error.
  2. G

    Get rid of the site clutter?

    Don't take this the wrong way, it is just a suggestion. But when a visitor comes to the website and clicks "Forum", I think they're hoping to see the forum straight off, and not need to scroll down 4 or 5 page folds to get to the forum categories. Can you not make separate pages for all the...
  3. Nirjonadda

    Bug Hottest Posts - Thanks

    Hottest Posts - Thanks (thanks.php?do=hottest) Show me (733) Thanks but when i go to with the post its show me only 120 Thanks.
  4. ringnews24

    VBShout Idea

    My members seem to post more on the shoutbox than the forum. I want to encourage them to use the forum more. I would like to see a option were to post on the shoutbox you need x amount of posts per day or within a 24 period.
  5. T

    Legacy Solution to stop .js files loading on pages/forums that don't need them

    I realize there is probably a more elegant way to do this, but loading 5 extra files on pages that do not need them is a little much since I only have thread ratings enabled in two forums. I simply added this conditional to dbtech_trating_header: <vb:if...
  6. M

    Bug Just updated and now all URLS are wrong?

    I have upgraded to the latest, And now the URLS are all different? They used to be: Now they are all I have looked at the URL settings they are all still CUSTOM So I...
  7. B

    Bug Instead of clickable links, I get [post-xxxx]...text...[/post]

    Hi, After sucessfully installing this add-on, when someone gets mentioned or quoted, it shows up in the profile section, but the post tag isnt parsed. It looks like this: 12:10 AM - KAREAMEL mentioned ronnie|A in post [ post=30266811]lets @ eachother to test out the new tagging feature..[/post...
  8. J

    Bug performance issues on big-boards with lots of thanks/likes

    We're having very similar problems to but I didn't want to hijack his thread. We've added quite a few indexes to the dbtech_thanks_entry table to get it perform acceptably, however now that we're well over 7.5 million...
  9. N

    Legacy "Regular" Classifieds

    Please.... My users sell used machinery- they do not want "Buy It Now", they need regular classifieds like OzModz Classifieds where they have an ASKING price and people make them OFFERS. Can you PLEASE include that type of classifieds on the mod...... Thanks, Nelson
  10. N

    Question Fees & Feedback

    Normally, I have no problems with your mods- they are GREAT. This one gave me FITS, and I disabled it in favor of Ozmodz Classifieds. Here were some issues: 1. Various options, when you create them, then try to DELETE them, you get "Invalid: 0" and they do NOT delete. You need to check every...
  11. TheDionysos Pilou

    Question Desactivate tab "Reviews"

    Hello, I try DBTech Reviews Lite, but I don't know where I can disable the tab "Reviews" (writing "Critiques" in french for my personnal use) because this tab don't allow to view more than one instance. So I use another mod for this, but I want to disable the defaut tab: Can you help me...
  12. heyzeus909

    Question URLs Not Working After Enabling Mod

    Hello Fillip H., Files uploaded, product installed - all went fine. After enabling and going through the settings, I noticed that the URLs on the forum homepage no longer worked: Not Found The requested URL /forum/food/101305-nutra-bullet-post126987.html was not found on this server...
  13. bzcomputers

    Question Reducing server load and page load times by moving rules from .htaccess to httpd.conf

    I was going to do some testing on moving .htaccess rules directly into httpd.conf to see if I could squeeze a little better performance overall out of vb4 in general. I personally have a substantial amount of rewrite rules already that I wanted to move from .htaccess to httpd.conf and figured to...
  14. B

    Question Issue with Post URL

    I imported all settings from vbSEO and so far everything seems great, excepts one thing: I have an issue with the URL of posts. Please have a look at my attached screenshot. How can I change this to get back the URL format I had in vbSEO?
  15. madmaxmangos

    Github Commits Tracking

    Hey, With a many developers now using github it would be nice to have a vBulletin mod that is able to use the .atom (rss) files and display the latest commits to a github repository and load them into a single page. Currently my old site uses a simple HTML page to display these: getMaNGOS -...
  16. amy-t

    Question Mochi media closing

    With mochi media closing at the end of the month how is that going to effect the arcade. From the email it sounds like the games will still be play able but will the scores still be submitted to the site? Also I noticed that a third party is trying to take over mochi media or something like...
  17. C

    Question Some Issues

    I just noticed a couple issues I am hoping you can help me with. First on this thread: When I look at the pagination link at the bottom of the thread, the thread link to go to the "first" page is...
  18. V

    Question Does not work

    Hi When I answer the questions appears in all the fields the same answer. Please solve the problem Thanks
  19. H

    Bug Urgent - Installation Killed My Forum

    I just had the software installed and my site is seriously broken now. Here are some of the things people are complaining about. "I get a broken link icon in place of everyone's avatar" "When I try to view my profile it says "page not found"" "Clicking on some forums yields the following...
  20. T

    Bug Search and shortcuts not working

    Hi, Since I tried to use the Gallery import which was partly successful now the search does not work, always bringing back a blank search result, for users, or photos even when you know they have albums and the album name. Also the categories that were created and had albums in them, the links...