
  1. webi

    Legacy Default Tab All & Forum Categorie Select

    Hi DragonByte Tech Team, I have 2 questions. Is there a way to disable the tab All? When selecting the forums, you have to select every single forum and sub-forums. Is there also the possibility of just the forums categories to choose so that all sub-forums included automatically be selected...
  2. Z

    Bug Issue with using Word Press

    After installing this mod I ran into trouble on my board. With no plugins installed accept this one, when attempting to use the "Reply to Thread" in any of the forums, the board freezes into a searching mode. If I then select the Refresh on the Browser it will complete as it should. We tried...
  3. F

    Legacy Pre-sales questions about PHP 5.3 and Litespeed

    Hello, I'm close to buying the Pro version of this. I just have a couple of pre-sales questions: 1. Do all the features, including the 403 Access Restricted header feature added in version 10 work with PHP 5.3 please? (I ask this because the author of this mod HTTP Error Response Codes by BOP5...
  4. T

    Legacy Finalise taking a really long time

    First of all, thank you for releasing this mod! I have installed it and it's been running the 'finalise' step of the install for about 8 hours now. I did a quick look at the database and there are just over 3k records with data in dbtech_recomm_threads Is this supposed to take this long? I...
  5. K

    How Long Do I Have To Wait??

    Last night I purchased Advanced User Tagging. Paid for it through PayPal. It cleared my PayPal immediately. Is there somewhere else I have to go besides the Client Area to download it? All I see in there is: I am a bit surprised that it is still the same. What am I having to wait for? (yes...
  6. greenlinenshirt

    Question No .htaccess file?

    This might be a dumb question but I don't see any .htaccess file? Where do I get it, or do I have to create it?
  7. P

    Bug Url rewrite temporary not working

    Almost from the very start, we experience unexpected behaviour. All links at the web goes offering original urls (not rewriten) by some time period. Rewriten links still work and get the user to crrect forum locations, but you browse the forum and get links on pages in original vbulletin...
  8. N

    Bug Still concerned, URL's have changed in 1.0.10

    Morning, After the disastrous update to 1.0.9 which resulted in /a/a for all our forum URL's I held off and downgraded back to 1.0.6 which was stable for us. Seeing 1.0.10 come out and fix the bug looked promising so I went and updated. However we then found a lot of URL's still changed...
  9. MaysaM

    Question in lite version Forum Manage dont working!!!

    hi in lite version all setting work good for me. but one setting dont do any thing in forum setting when i want add some button to some sub forums, setting dont being aplied. i re instal the plugin but it did not work all setting work good and correctly but forum mange dont work. what should...
  10. P

    Question Does this mod not work with Extended Reputation mod?

    I noticed that when I installed the awards mod that the previous extended reputation mod didn't work. Not sure if it was a coincidence or something else. Here is the mod I was using... Extended Reputation Display - Page 15 - Forum
  11. N

    Bug Meta Keyword & Description Problem

    Hello, we have on our Testboard with a fresh Install of vB 4.2.1 follow Issue. - Words of the Content are twice into the Keywords and the Keyword List is very long. - After a non-Latin character is the description sliced and Special Chars as a Quote,... are not be parsed. Thx for Help! Can...
  12. San

    Question vBulletin 5 in the near future.

    Wondering if you have plans for vBulletin 5 in the near future.
  13. M

    Legacy Two suggestions related to plugin breaking something else

    Here is a link for reference: Updates 1) When clicking "Thanks", the post bit stats disappear until refreshing the page. Can we change that? 2) I use something called LaTeX on my site to render math equations. When clicking "Thanks" this also breaks until refreshing the page. It seems...
  14. H

    Question Rebuild Button Click Cache, Still No Thanks in Profile

    I ran the Rebuild Button Click Cache. I have over 25Million entries, it got hung around 20M. What happens if I restart it? Will it empty the cache completely? None of the thanks that were given before the upgrade is showing in user profiles or on the threads. Thanks given since the upgrade...
  15. B

    Legacy Importing from DownloadsII

    Ok - Which version exactly of DownloadsII does this work with? I've just installed it - gone to import but it says no version found. Checking through the import code, it's looking for tables with a dl2_ prefix, however mine are all just dl_. Changing that doesn't work either as it gets stuck...
  16. McLarenDan

    Bug Questions since I purchased the full edition

    Firstly, thanks - I liked this so much I upgraded to the full edition on day1. Definitely a good one. I have a question - where are the messages which are sent out to notify you, stored? The current one is messy. I'd like to customise it to my own message, which is much more professional than...
  17. M

    Legacy Hashes do not support other languages!

    Hello, I purchase the Pro Version and it works perfectly, but what disappointed me is that #Hash_tags do not support other languages, such as Arabic, Hindi, Japanese and Chinese. #هاش #ハッシュタグ #包括 #हैशटैग Are you planning to fix this or is it impossible to achieve? Cheers.
  18. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Mouseover users name show

    Please can you add option Mouseover users name show for X more display?
  19. M

    Bug Rewrite that worked with vSBEO not working now

    Why is this url Invalid Page! - Math Help Boards | Free Math Help matching with this rule '^view\.php\?pg=potw$'=>'potw/'? It didn't do this with vbSEO but now is running through this script for some reason.
  20. N

    Question URL's not working after intall / 500 ISE after .htaccess

    Just ordered and installed your software, everything seemed good. URL's on the forum got changed, but all of them would lead to a 404 Error. I figured maybe my root .htaccess was to blame, so I edited the .htaccess in my /forum/ directory to match what was in the readme, all that did was give...