
  1. CharlieDelta

    Bug Shouts Not Displaying

    Shouts are not displaying in the shoutbox. Notifications are displaying fine. All permissions have been checked and double checked. All usergroup shouts not displaying including Admins. Cache has been flushed. I have not really tested it since the last upgrade. I am missing something, I just...
  2. RazKaziRo

    Bug Invites Static Table Not showing well

    Hi, Im using the pro version and the Table for the register invites status not showing well as you can see in this picture: how can i fix this?
  3. S

    Bug Shouts not displaying

    Ok I have installed the newest version but No shouts are being displayed, I checked to make sure no one is being ignored or silenced and nothing is displaying. I have upgraded and nothing even uninstalled and reinstalled new version. Tried on all skins even default still nothing displays. I see...
  4. D

    Question Some simple Qfrom a newbee

    Some simple Q from a newbee Hi All, I just bought, installed and tested the lifetime PM AddOn. I hope this is the right forum to post my questions that I have about some minor issues. -1- I think the ACP pages "Private Message Statistics", "Private Message List" and "Latest PMs Sent" have...
  5. Force

    Question attachments in pms

    I click on the attachment in pms upload it then click done but it does not add it to the pm why am i doing something wrong or missing something
  6. Z

    Bug Not all settings showing up in admincp

    The only part of settings that appear in vbulletin options are ' Dragonbyte Tech: vBSlider - General Settings'. The samething shows up from the leftside navigation menu after selecting options. This started out as an upgrade from version 3.0.0. After numerous failed attempts I removed every...
  7. Subhash Kolluru

    Bug Shoutbox keeps on loading

    Hello DBTECH, This is Admin of and my friend who is another Admin bought Shoutbox here.As he is busy so I am posting here.Shoutbox keeps on loading but not working.So I removed it on homepage and this is the link for detached version. Techbies I tried to remove cache and revert...
  8. bzcomputers

    Bug "View Confirmed Donations" tab showing for all logged in users

    I noticed that any logged in user when selecting "My Contributions" link would be shown the "View Confirmed Contributions" tab. Clicking on it doesn't allow access but I believe the tab should be hidden. Had to edit the "dbtech_vbdonate_my_contrib_table" to encapsulate both the View Confirmed...
  9. CharlieDelta

    Bug Gallery Copyright not Merging in Safari & Chrome

    I am not sure if this bug report should go here or in the gallery mod but I just noticed that the copyright is not merging in both Chrome and Safari. Firefox and IE are fine.
  10. W

    Bug Bug in user panel

    When I installed your plugin on my board I have control panel issue. When I click on User Settings I simply got a message like that "That action could not be completed. Please try again, and if this occurs again please contact the system administrator and tell them how you got this message."...
  11. V

    Question Upgrade to 2.5.3

    We moved to a new VPS and finally have gotten rid of suhosin. We now have CENTOS 6.4 x86_64 virtuozzo and PHP 5.3.23 I read the install directions from the download and followed them but I noticed in Admin it shows Blank resource settings but tests fine. So I checked my file stamps and they...
  12. J

    Bug Internal server error in some pages of the forum

    Hello First, thank you for the great mods. I am facing some problems with the DragonByte Tech: Advanced User Tagging (Lite) 3.0.6 mod. Whenever i enable it, i cannot access some specific profile pages. It is giving me a blank page on firefox and an internal server error page on chrome. I...
  13. P

    Question Credits transfer problems

    Donate transfer problems hi need some help with donate credits The problem is donate is activated, but the popup for transfer doenst apear only adjust and i cant edit that donate is enabled and i cant switch from adjust to donate :( 1more problem i have referal doesnt work i setup...
  14. O

    Bug Shout Notification Sound

    The notification sound of a new shout does not work. There should be a pop sound when a shout is made, however there is not. If someone changes the color of their font, there is a pop sound. Is this a bug or something I am doing wrong?
  15. I

    Bug Like / Thank images missing

    I just upgraded to 3.1.0b1 and my Like and Thank images are missing. Everything else works and the text is there... but the images are missing. I followed the upgrade instructions to go in and edit/save the buttons, but that doesn't solve the issue. I also tried creating a new button and...
  16. CharlieDelta

    Bug Filter Results Options on Statistics Page

    I am not sure if this is a bug but I only have one option in the statistics page which is "Redirected to Registration Page". Is this by design? I would like to see all the registration stats.
  17. stoute

    Bug Upload and Download failures.

    Thanks for the help with the previous issue. After fixing that issue we are now getting this. YouTube When we download a file using the zip feature it downloads a 0kb file. I turned off the downloads feature until we can get it fixed. I can turn it back on if you want to test it out. The...
  18. Nirjonadda

    Bug Drop Tab bug For vB4.2

    Hello I upgrade my forum 4.1.10 to 4.2.0,Now get one new issue,How to remove white space?Please check the ScreenShot,how to fix on this issue?
  19. Steris56

    Bug doesnt display

    Just got this and i tested this out the notification doesnt display for me my notification types are set to active so its not that any suggestions to this
  20. MaxLiao

    Question Align the tabs to the top of the forum in every browser

    I've been manhandling my additional.css for over a day now, and I can't for the life of me figure this out - usually there is some CSS trick I can employ. And I have a funny feeling this is one of those "Duh" moments where I can't see the forest for the trees. We want the tabs to appear flush...