
  1. fly

    Bug This is only showing where they registered

    Maybe this is by design, I'm not sure. However, this only seems to show a pin for where the member signed up, not where they are located now. I was thinking it was just using the registration IP as a placeholder and the cron would eventually fix that. But it doesn't seem to be the case. Is...
  2. T

    Change background color and adjust for correct widget size?

    I apologize as I am sure this has been answered or already explained in the setup directions but I can not figure it out for the life of me and I have read over everything in setup and checked the forums but can't locate any help. I am sure I am just overlooking the answer so again, I apologize...
  3. Viceroy

    Question Postbit issue

    The achievements shows up in the middle of all other fields. How do I move it so it show up either below the avatar or at the bottom after "Following"?
  4. alan92rttt

    Question New install issue and question

    I just installed the current version fo vbShout and for the most part its working fine. My IE8 users are miserable the bigest complaint is that the forum over all is slow and that chat is laggy. Are there any known IE8 issues? or peformance suggestions? Is there a way for a user to turn the...
  5. Sarab

    Bug Image ain't showing!

    Hello, I have a problem where my custom content won't show the image I add on firefox but on chrome I can see it, but then again my friend said he can't see it on chrome too =") What's the problem and how can I fix it =")? Best Regards, Sarab
  6. H

    Bug Installed, but I see nothing anywhere

    I wrote this in the site too, so I hope you are not mad that it is duplicate, but I thought I might find answers in a thread over here, but alas, have not. Well, I'm a bit bamboozled. I uploaded files (twice). Installed .xml (twice). Added widget to the cms layout. I don't see it...
  7. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug Duplication Images after liking/disliking/thanking

    Well this doesnt always happen but sometimes or other it will When i click the thanks button, like button or dislike sometimes the images duplicate and it will say i have thanked it twice. Obviously i did it once. Heres literally an image of example Thats what happens and if i like it, it...
  8. F

    Bug New Gallery Instance not set with correct CHMOD

    Not really sure if this is a bug but seemed the best fit given the choices... I've tried setting up a new gallery instance just for member video uploads. (This is done on my test install by the way) I'd like to have two separate areas one for photos one for videos. I believe i set it up...
  9. S

    Question vbDownloads XML won't import

    Hello! I'm trying to install this module, but after FTPing the files to the server, the XML file won't import. It stays forever stuck at "importing, please wait". I have even left it overnight to see if it just needed more time, but it still never loaded. So, how do I import it? :RpS_huh:
  10. D

    Bug Reporting File : issue

    Some issues with reporting file: 1. Unable to give reason for reporting a file. This is an issue in all browsers on custom and default themes. 2. Unable to close the report file message box in case of an accidental click.
  11. GoodApples

    User Activity Stream Tabs

    User Activity Stream Tabs are not functional I am using Browser: FireFox 18.0.1 I have not test anything else. ;) Edit: Works on my site.
  12. W

    Bug Charged contents visible in RSS

    Hi, This is really serious issue for me. I have found the charged content can be visible in RSS feed. Using chrome the charged content clearly visible and IE8 also gives hidden content thru View source. Please give me a solution to make the contents inside the charge tag completely secure. Thank...
  13. D

    Bug Alignment and theme issues

    I have some issues when viewing downloads in custom theme. 1. The icons, category title and category description on the main downloads page do not have padding between them. The are spaced in the default theme, but not in my custom theme. 2. The sidebar is using some elements from my custom...
  14. D

    Bug Screenshots and Thumbnails not showing

    Some old files aren't displaying thumbnails or screenshots. Where the thumbnail and screenshot should be is just a white box. I have the settings for images sizes set correctly to accommodate the images.
  15. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug How to Stop Forums From Auto collapsing?

    I am having an issue with this mod it keeps auto collapsing my main forums?? I really want to use it but seriously some default setting or a conflict or something have no idea what it is but I cannot enable it until I figure it out or stop it from happening... There is also a theme issue not...
  16. CharlieDelta

    Reply with Draft Button Overlaps Reply to Thread Button

    The "Reply with Draft" button overlaps the "Reply to Thread" button in the, um not sure what style this is as I don't have an option to change anymore. :O Oh well here is a pic. :) Cheers
  17. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug vBDownloads v1.4.0b1 On a Fixed Templete

    First and for most thanks for working on this as this is a crucial part of a forums popularity as I have had in the past on my PHPNuke websites the download manager was very popular and it was very robust which is what I would like to see happen with this vBulletin mod for it to have wonderful...
  18. F

    Bug Sort by Username - not working

    On the main Gallery page I noticed that the sorting by username function doesn't work, at least on my live site. When I select it the page refreshes but the order does not change. However on my test site install it works fine. I cannot give access to my live site as it's a private adult forum...
  19. F

    Bug Gallery Alignment issue

    I'm having a strange issue with alignment. As you can see in the attached image, these photos have the description/links overlaid on top of them. The other photos in the gallery do no have this issue. All these photos are from one member only. I've tried deactivating the image and reactivating...
  20. GoodApples

    Legacy Interstitial Page or Splash Message

    Interstitial Page or the add ability to have a Splash Message viewable before viewing the map. Please select whether you want to "share your location" at the top of the browser window. or