Bug when a username contains another username

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I just noticed that when a username contains another username the partial username is used and not the full

I have two users:

patienten and patientenschubser

the last one is my moderator.
If I mention him with @patientenschubser the mod links to "@patienten" and ignores the rest

There should be a check that only full names are used and not partial ones
That is impossible unless you turn on the ; delimiter - this way is the only way the ;-less mentions can work.
Just a note that while a check without a delimiter is impossible we are looking at ways to possibly reduce the number of false positives like this. Meantime turning on the ; delimiter would solve your issue though.
so every time I want to mention a user I have to check if his username contains another and use the delimiter if it does?

And if I turn on the delimiter all mentions have to use the ; to work?
That is really bad :(
We're looking into ways of having the check run from longest to shortest - it means there is still the potential for the "wrong" name to be tagged (For instance if you type @bob fun stuff! and mean to say fun stuff to bob, it would actually tag a user if they had the name @bob fun) but it should, in most cases, be preferable to short to long.

That being said the only real way to ENSURE you get the exact person is to use the delimiter - there isn't any physical way to guarantee it otherwise.

This is why services such as twitter don't allow spaces in usernames - it makes this much easier to control. Unfortunately most forums/boards do.
It is hard to get my users to get the idea of tagging a user with @ in front. It will be impossible to get them to understand that they need to use the delimiter at the end.
I hope you solve this, at least for usernames without spaces
The change Cosmic mentioned is currently in Beta here on DBTech. Assuming no problems are discovered during the next blog post (which is when the mod gets the most use), the fix will be applied to the downloadable files :)
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