Question Showthread redirect

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Hi there,

we have trouble with redirect URL that contains goto=newpost parameter.

Other parameters are lost (in this case UTM parameters).

this URL is redirected correctly + parameters are within rewritten URL

this URL is redirected BUT no parameters are within it

Could you please tell me if this is bug or we need to setup something ?

vBulletin drops UTM parameters from the URL when it's presented back. That being said, it's possible the UTM cookie has still been saved. You can test this by removing all cookies from your site, and then going through the process again, then check your cookies to see if it's present.
vBulletin drops UTM parameters from the URL when it's presented back. That being said, it's possible the UTM cookie has still been saved. You can test this by removing all cookies from your site, and then going through the process again, then check your cookies to see if it's present.

vBulletin doesnt drop UTM parameters.

This looks like bug and it happens only when "goto=newpost" is presented in link.
If "goto=newpost" is within showthread.php link, then URL is rewritten, but UTM parameters are gone and therefore not tracked.

See example:

rewritten to:

showthread.php?t=1&goto=newpost&utm_source=SOURCE& utm_medium=MEDIUM
rewritten to:

and therefore UTM parameters are lost and not tracked ( which results them being organic )

Do you have any idea for fix?
vBulletin doesnt drop UTM parameters.
Are you telling me that if you fully disable DBSEO, and visit a goto=newpost link, the UTM parameters are preserved in the resulting URL after the redirect? I'm looking at the code right now, and at no point is any custom URL parameters added to the link.

In either case, we do not support preserving custom parameters from URLs that are redirected to vBulletin and back to SEO'd URLs in the manner newpost links are, sorry :(
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