
  1. Morrus

    Dragonbyte SEO

    I have a couple of quick questions about the SEO product. 1) Does it actually change URLs of threads and/or articles, or just the metadata? 2) If the answer to the first question is yes, can old links redirected to the new ones?
  2. webi

    Bug Profiles tabs with multiple pages

    Hi Fillip H., We have the following problem in the profiles. If you auswäht a tab of a DB-Tech addons and there then click on page 2, you will be redirected to the user activities. Normal tab of vBulletin exhibit this problem does not occur. Best Regards
  3. D

    Question Showthread redirect

    Hi there, we have trouble with redirect URL that contains goto=newpost parameter. Other parameters are lost (in this case UTM parameters). Example: 1) showthread.php?t=1&utm_source=SOURCE&utm_medium=MEDIUM this URL is redirected correctly + parameters are within rewritten URL 2)...