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Well in the questions I asked before I purchased this I was led to believe that it worked this way, however after purchasing and installing I have found that the person who answered the questions was just lying.

I was told that this worked similar to Twitter. My members are all social network freaks and when I asked questions of one of DBT Developers on MSN I was told that the #Tags worked like Twitter.

Where members could post #DBT rules and try and get it all trending throughout our website.

After initial talks with my community they were excited to try and battle and get their own stuff trending, unfortunately it doesn't work this way.

I would like to see this incorporate the fact that members do not have to go through an add certain #Tags to be notified off, I would instead like a Current Trending page and allow members to #Tag their own stuff to try and get it to trend.

Yeah I know Twitter is the devil but my members are use to things like Facebook and Twitter however can't comprehend setting up hash tags in the settings as it's hard to think of what others are going to put as hash tags, however with the ability to see what is trending (what is #tagged) they then have the choice to continue it or combat it with their own one.
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No worries,
The way I see it - this type of thing is about customers sharing feedback to give you all idea's of making it better.
I just thought by having it Trending instead of what it currently is it will actually promote community activity as people join in the trends or try to come up with something to combat it.

Just an idea tis all :D
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