Reset all credits

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I've been trying to start over all calculations on my forum from scratch and am having a few problems.

I did a search for only my name, and then used the below settings:


I've also tried it with Calculate Events ON as well. Then did the recalc afterwards. At no point can I get my credits to say 0. I'm assuming I'm doing something wrong, but... I just can't figure it out. =)
To do a clean reset (flush any transactions and start back at 0)

The selected actions and date range can be ignored.
Calculate events no, prune existing transactions yes.
Reverse before delete no, target any time and target any action both yes.
Finally, for each currency formula, put 0 instead of [currencyname]

Run that for each page of users (in the update this friday youll be able to process all pages of results) and should do the trick!
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