
I like the "progressive" discount of IPB Store and i want to buy many dbt addons in the future, this progressive discount imho can incentive the users to buy more dbt scripts. I don't want a lifetime licence (1 year licence is sufficient for me, i just attend a stable vb version...), my request is for a progressive discount for 1 year licence.
We do something similar in that often when theres a big new release, we'll give all existing customers a large discount for a couple of weeks (Last time it was 20% on all single products, 5% on all bundles when we released vBCredits)

We feel this works best with our existing bundles package - which is something IPS doesn't offer. We are looking into ways of improving our bundles system however (currentlt looking into "make your own" bundles and additional discounts depending on how much you've spent at DBTech previously)
Just now the plan is twofold:

1) Set up a system that lets people define their own bundles with each product given a "category" and it applying an overall discount on the order
2) Set up a system that tracks how much you have spent/are spending at DBTech, and gives you a discount based on this - to reward loyal customers.

Basically it'll be a case of the more you spend, the more you save =)
Very good, Cosmic, you anticipate all my suggestions :-)
(ah, if you can add the same chose in branding free, like if you use more script you can by 1 branding free and put 1 only link in the footer for all the scripts to dbt...)

Another suggestion: why don't create an affiliate program to promote dbt scripts, like vbseo/vbcover? this system is good for a free promotion for a "immaterial" product, or not?
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I'm not a huge fan of affiliate programs, I think they become - as you said- nothing more than advertisements.

I check out companies myself, personally and in detail. If i like them, I offer to partner up, like we do with our partners at =)

I'm very select about who i recommend etc, thats why i dislike affiliate programs.
i read this type of things and my mind tells me.."ho..those guys are going to make this company really greate and powerful".

thanks to have this clear ideas and pay attention to customers. Dont get same ideas as vbulletin developers, they think they are the best and they stop workin well because this.

i really trust on you guys, and still waiting [hide] on vbthanks xD