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Please can you try to add more Features for vB Optimise Professional Version? Add Simplify if possible.


CSS Optimiser (Inline Small CSS)
Javascript Optimiser ( Defer parsing of JavaScript and Minify JavaScript)
HTML Optimiser ( Minify HTML)
Attachment Optimiser
Combine images into CSS sprites
Enable compression
Optimize images (Serve scaled images)
Optimize the order of styles and scripts
Leverage browser caching
Serve resources from a consistent URL
Avoid bad requests
Remove query strings from static resources
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I will let Fillip H. respond to these individually, but I know things like compressing/minifying Javascript we won't do because of the extremely high potential it has to interfere with mods etc.

Any changes we make with vBOptimise have to be as compatible as possible with as many boards as possible, things that have a high potential to interfere with or break parts of peoples forums tend to be out - part of what people like so much about vBO is that you can turn it on and then leave it alone and your site will work just like it did before, we want to maintain that.
CSS Optimiser (Inline Small CSS)
vBulletin 4 already does this.
Javascript Optimiser ( Defer parsing of JavaScript and Minify JavaScript)
This breaks a lot of modifications and built-in features. vBulletin 5 Connect has this feature built-in, though.
HTML Optimiser ( Minify HTML)
This is already handled by mod_deflate or similar modules in your web server - stripping whitespace from HTML saves very, very little and will generally have no impact on load times. In fact, it may even increase load times as it takes processing time to strip the whitespace in realtime.
Attachment Optimiser
Optimise what, regarding attachments...?
Combine images into CSS sprites
This cannot be done. You will need a lot (!) of manual edits.
Enable compression
Compression of what?
Optimize images (Serve scaled images)
This would increase load times and server load if done in realtime.
Optimize the order of styles and scripts
There's no such thing as optimising order of styles and scripts. It makes no difference whatsoever in what order you load CSS, and JS will only work if you load the jQuery library first before your code.
Leverage browser caching
This should be handled in your .htaccess or httpd.conf file. You cannot do this in PHP.
Serve resources from a consistent URL
SEO is not part of this mod.
Avoid bad requests
This should be handled by mod_security module in your web server.
Remove query strings from static resources
This is a very very bad idea as it will make your browser serve outdated files. Query strings is a way to get your browser to serve the latest version of the static resource without requiring a Ctrl+F5 on your end. We will not add any features that break vBulletin like this would.
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