Need Help Please


Ok when anyone is off line like if you go to my site UO Revolution 2 as a guest and not signed on you cannot see on the bottom of the forum where it says What's going on the Currently Active Users as you can see first picture i'm a guest not logged and sec picture on another site not logged on either but see the 2 arrows thats what i am missing on my site from first picture not sure where im suppose to turn that on so it looks like the second picture i even went to admin/options settings on whats going theres nothing there can someone please tell me how to enable mines so it looks like the second picture thanks.


As this is in Off Topic, Erica, what's your site about? I took a look and couldn't really figure it out. Is it a custom shard you run for UO? If so, what does it do and what's different about it than the official shards? =) I used to play UO many years ago and was even a counselor on the Sonoma shard before they axed that program. Anyway, UO is still the best MMO IMO and it's good to see it being supported by people still. =)