Legacy More 'Official' rewrite rules for non-Apache Web Servers (IIS, nginx etc)

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Just a quick general feature request -

It would be nice if DBSEO out of the box provided 'official' and confirmed working / perfect rewrite rules for non-Apache webservers.

I know a few members have done their own attempt at converting them to IIS or nginx or other web servers, but to have official ones would be nice. One's that the makers themselves have confirmed are 100% correct and up to par and could be used by new and existing customers.

We don't just live in an Apache world after all :)
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At this time we don't have any other web servers available for testing, making this a bit difficult. If there's enough demand, we would take on the extra expenses that this would incur, of course :)
At this time we don't have any other web servers available for testing, making this a bit difficult. If there's enough demand, we would take on the extra expenses that this would incur, of course :)

Sounds promising, demand is growing as DBSEO sales have been growing, time will tell of course.
Though expenses shouldn't be anything (besides time spent) as IIS is included in any Pro version of Windows which I'm sure someone at DBTech must have (plus I still got that Azure instance that you had access to for debug before if it helps with the IIS side). Most of the others are all open source so free to use.

Will keep an eye out as time comes, it can only help get more customers to by providing official support for the other web servers out there :)
Expenses aren't purely the cost of servers, it's also time. If we introduce features that significantly changes the mod in some way or another, we'd need to invest the time to test it on all web server configurations we support.
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