Bug Invalid URL BBCode Causes Chrome to Crash

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It seems as though inputting an invalid URL into the URL BBcode in a shoutbox causes the page to crash in Google Chrome.

Example code:

[URL="http://Lorem ipsum Culpa labore qui culpa enim nostrud eiusmod ullamco anim in dolor consequat voluptate in in laboris consequat dolor occaecat minim aliqua quis id in Duis eiusmod amet id do ex do dolore dolor anim sit deserunt do."]asdf[/URL]
I am unable to replicate this issue, make sure Chrome is updated to the latest version.
Yeah, my next suggestion is to disable all non-DBTech modifications and try again.
As this ticket has received no further replies, I'll close it.

If you have any further questions or issues, please feel free to create a new ticket. Thanks!
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Legacy vBShout

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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