Question Excluded From Sending PM issue

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ok my issue is when i set this to no Excluded From Sending PM's Active then i select the usergroups excluded i have allow to reply to staff to yes

then i select my staff in which they can pm

what happens then is this seems not to work i can still pm everyone even though i am in excluded usergroup

what i want to achieve is my new members i want them to pm staff i select and that is it

am i doing something wrong or missing something
Sorry, I don't understand what you're reporting. Can you please screenshot the options you're referring to and your configuration, so I can replicate it in my local environment? Thanks :)
Sorry, I don't understand what you're reporting. Can you please screenshot the options you're referring to and your configuration, so I can replicate it in my local environment? Thanks :)

ok Fillip H. here is pic superpic 1.PNG

now when i select the first option to no instead of to yes so that the usergroups can still pm but pm to admins for example it dont work cause when i tested it out with a test user as a new member i was able to pm other members so my question is am i doing something wrong or missing something

just to clarify what i want to achieve with this is if i was a new member i can only pm admin for example and not any other user group
Sorry, I have not had time to look into this further. I will keep this thread open and get back to you as soon as I have a solution or if I need more information.
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Legacy vBSuper PM's

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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